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Recap / Penny Dreadful S 3 E 9 The Blessed Dark

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Ethan makes a shocking discovery about Kaetenay; Dr. Seward induces Renfield into a hypnotic trance; the Creature has to make a decision; Sir Malcolm, Ethan, Kaetenay, Seward and Catriona fight to save Vanessa.

Tropes :

  • All for Nothing: Most of the main characters have struggled and fought only to lose everything that matters to them by the end of the episode and series in general.
    • Ethan has no family left, with Malcolm having killed his father.
    • Sir Malcolm has lost his wife, his son and his daughter and finally Vanessa, his surrogate daughter.
    • Victor has given up on creating new life with all his creations abandoning, hating and ultimately pitying him.
    • Vanessa is dead and buried. The culmination of all her struggle, all her searching for even a tiny scrap of happiness and relief from being constantly hounded by the forces of darkness is that she gets to die.
    • By his own choice, Dorian Grey is as alone and empty again as he always was.
    • Lily is also alone and empty, condemned to live forever without passion or joy. Her hopes for a revolution are dashed by Dorian.
    • Jekyll is set on a path of self-destruction in the same way that nearly claimed Victor who tries to warn him in vain.
    • John Clare finds his family again from his past life and they welcome him, but he watches his son die and his wife tells him never to come back because he won't use Victor to bring the boy back to life.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Kaetenay and Ethan come to the rescue as the familiars try to kill the team. They end up massacring the entire familiar army.
  • Bittersweet Ending: The world is saved, but none of the surviving main characters, the good and the bad, get a happy ending. They are all left with loss and grief and emptiness. However, there are moments of hope that still remain.
    • Vanessa is dead, but has been allowed to enter heaven and is finally at peace.
    • Ethan has been forced to kill the woman he loved after losing his family, but decides to stay in London to form a father-son relationship with Sir Malcolm.
    • Sir Malcolm has seen another daughter die, but has finally gotten closure for Mina's death, and is forging a bond with Ethan and Frankenstein.
    • Frankenstein has given up on his goal of scientific achievement, but come away with greater self-awareness and empathy, and finally let go of his obsession with Lily.
    • Lily's revolution has fallen apart, with Dorian having betrayed her, murdering Justine. However, she still loves Ethan, the only man she sees as an equal monster, and may yet find him again.
    • John Clare has lost his son and become estranged from his wife. However, he seems to have gotten over his It's All About Me attitude and developed greater self-awareness.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Dracula has no trouble beating down all the heroes in seconds when he enters the fight.
  • The End: The words at the end of the episode mark that the series is finished.
  • Fate Worse than Death: John refuses to ask Frankenstein to resurrect his son, knowing firsthand how much worse a second un-life is compared to death.
  • Grave-Marking Scene: After the funeral, all of Vanessa's friends say their goodbyes at her grave. After they leave, John comes out of hiding and kneels before the grave as the scene fades to black.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Vanessa finally accepts that the only way she can stop Dracula and the forces of darkness completely and permanently is to die.
  • Ignored Expert: Victor warns Jekyll that his scientific work won't bring him fame, fortune and vindication, only disaster. Naturally, Jekyll ignores him.
  • Karma Houdini: Dracula gets away in the end, but the implication of the series is that now he will never ever be able bring on the end times without Vanessa.
  • Kudzu Plot: Word of God says that the series has been Vanessa's story, the resolution of which has brought it to a close. However, many Plot Threads are left open and uncertain.
  • Last Stand: When finally reaching Dracula's lair to save Vanessa, Sir Malcolm, Ethan, Kaetenay, Dr. Frankenstein, Dr. Seward, and Catriona Hartdegen all agree that It Has Been an Honor and they make their final stand against the vampire horde. Surprisingly, they survive it until Dracula himself enters the fight alone and beats them all down.
  • Noble Demon: Dracula has shades of this. He's even willing to let Vanessa's friends leave and live out their lives because it would make her happy.
  • "Shaggy Dog" Story: The culmination of Victor, Lily and Dorian's story arcs. Nothing they've done has really changed their lives or gained them anything except for Victor who has been Taught by Experience that scientific discovery hasn't gained him fame and fortune and won't for Dr. Jekyll either.
  • Special Edition Title: The usual credit opening is replaced by a new one with Sophie Meade singing "Now I lay me down to sleep".
  • The Un-Reveal: In-Universe, Victor seems to come very close to finally confessing to Ethan that Brona is still alive, but seems to decide against it at the last moment.
  • Villain: Exit, Stage Left: Once Ethan kills Vanessa, Dracula simply gives up and vanishes into the darkness.
  • We Will Meet Again: Invoked by Dorian to Lily as she leaves him. Since they're both immortal in a world full of mortals, he says that eventually she'll come back and he'll be waiting.
  • Who Wants to Live Forever?: Dorian makes this speech to Lily about how life becomes empty and pointless to an immortal and eventually they become like an empty portrait of themselves. He points out that any relationship with a mortal will necessarily be a Mayfly–December Romance and that any children one has will wither and die of old age in the blink of an immortal eye. Possibly subverted, however, as he promptly calls it a "small price to pay" for immortal perfection, but it's not entirely clear whether he truly means it or if he's being dismissive to cover up his own pain; from what we've seen of him it could be either.
  • Zerg Rush: The Familiars try to kill the heroes this way, and nearly succeed after losing a large amount of their forces until Ethan and Kaetenay arrive and defeat them.
