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Recap / Parks And Recreation S 06 E 13

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On Ann and Chris' last full day in Pawnee, Leslie throws them a going-away party. In addition, she has a secret for Ann - they will officially break ground on the Pawnee Commons, the project that brought them together as friends years ago.

Chris gives each of his male friends a "buddy box", with a thoughtful gift that represents their relationships. They try to think of a meaningful gift for him but fall short. Ben then has an idea - Ron builds a box out of wood, and they all burn their initials into the lid. They present the box to Chris as something he can use with his upcoming child.

Leslie and Ann attempt to break ground on Lot 48, but they are confronted with a series of obstacles. After running around town making deals with several people, they finally use a shovel to break the ground.

The next day, everyone bids Chris and Ann farewell and head to J.J.'s Diner for breakfast.


  • Continuity Nod: When Leslie and Ann finally break ground on Lot 48, they're wearing helmets labeled 'Kick-Ass', referring back to the 'Kick' and 'Ass' helmets they wore back when they tried to fill in the Pit in "Kaboom".
  • I Have Many Names: Larry's constant name changes are lampshaded by his initials in the "buddy box".
    Chris: Who's GJLGG?
    Larry: Garry Jerry Larry Gergich Gengurch.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Ann puts Kathryn Pinewood into a headlock after the latter mocks Leslie one too many times.
  • Put on a Bus: Ann and Chris leave for Michigan.
  • Tearful Smile: Leslie watches Ann and Chris leave with one.
