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Recap / Papyrus

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This is the recap page for the Papyrus albums.

  1. La Momie engloutie (The Mummy)
  2. La Maitre des trois portes (Keeper of the Three Gates)
  3. Le Colosse sans visage (The Faceless Giant)
  4. Le Tombeau de Pharaon
  5. The White-Haired Egyptian (The White Egyptian) (Title based on the English version of the adaptation from the Animated Adaptation.)
  6. Les Quatre Doigts du Dieu Lune (The Anger of the Moon God)
  7. The Rameses' Revenge (Title based on the English translation.)
  8. Imhotep's Transformation (Titled based on the English translation.)
  9. Tears of the Giants (Titled based on the English version of the adaptation from the Animated Adaptation.)
  10. La Pyramide noire
  11. The Cursed Pharaoh (Title based on the English version of the adaptation from the Animated Adaptation.)
  12. L'Obelisque
  13. The Labyrinth (Title based on the English version of the adaptation from the Animated Adaptation.)
  14. L'Île Cyclope
  15. L'Enfant hiéroglyphe
  16. Le Seigneur des crocodiles
  17. Tutankhamun, The Assassinated Pharaoh (Title based on the English translation.)
  18. L'Œil de Rê
  19. The Evil Mummies (Title based on the English translation.)
  20. The Anger of the Great Sphinx (Title based on the English translation.)
  21. The Amulet of the Great Pyramid (Title Based on the English translation.)
  22. La Prisonnière de Sekhmet
  23. Le Cheval de Troie
  24. La main pourpre
  25. Le Pharaon fou
  26. Le Masque d'Horus
  27. La Fureur des Dieux
  28. Les Enfants d'Isis
  29. L'Île de la reine morte
  30. L'Oracle
  31. L'Or de Pharaon
  32. Le taureau de Montou
  33. Papyrus Pharaon
