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Recap / Paperinik New Adventures S 1 E 49 In The Shadow

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After getting back the datapack containing Xadhoom's memory, Paperinik gives it to One to be analyzed. Meanwhile, in space, a Xerbian storyteller is narrating the story of Xadhoom. This gets the attention of Zoster who, along with a group of mercenaries, travels to Earth to retrieve the datapack and use it to obtain absolute power.

Tropes Present In This Issue:

  • A God Am I: Zoster feels like this, and honestly it's difficult to argue with someone with that kind of power.
  • Arc Words: "There is light, here?"
  • Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Exaggerated:when Zoster obtains Xadhoom's powers,he becomes as big as the Sun.
  • Call-Back: Zoster returns after being absent since #15 "Motor/Action". Oddly enough, Zondag isn't with him.
    • Xaedus narrates an abridged version of Xadhoom's life,which includes several of the issues we read in the past.
  • The Chessmaster: If you ever doubted that Xadhoom was a genius because of her berserker tendencies, here's the proof: she used the machine to copy her memory back in #37 "Under A New Sun", but didn't put the complete process in it. Then she put it in the hands of Paperinik (therefore far from the Xerbians, where someone could have tried to replicate it or be attacked by the surviving Evronians to retrieve it) and asked her father to go around the universe telling her tale, hoping that some stray Evronian might hear it. Then she programmed the datapack to allow itself to be taken (in fact it attacked Paperinik who was trying to defend it) and then give the informations to the thief, who would have been destroyed, thus creating the legend of a vengeful goddess and telling the universe "Leave the Xerbians alone, otherwise...". Perhaps it's a good thing she used her brawns more that her brain after getting her powers...
  • Explosive Breeder: The Haga produced several of her "children" in a matter of minutes.
  • Family-Unfriendly Death: Zoster. His body gets disintegrated onscreen and close-up.
  • Giant Animal Worship: Zigzagged, Rawr and his crew seems to revere and worship the Last Haga, but they can also unleash it on planets to make it grow and become stronger and stronger.
  • Giant Spider / Big Creepy-Crawlies: The Last Haga is a giant spider-like creature, completely undetectable and able to reproduce quickly and asexually. Apparently it could be able to devour a planet, given enough time. Its spawns qualify too. Apparently, Rawr and his men reveres her as a goddess-like entity, much to Zoster's annoyance.
  • I Have Many Names: The Last Haga is also referred to, multiple times, as "Mother", "Iron-heart" and "The Devourer".
  • Heroic RROD: One is severely damaged by the attack of the Haga and her spawns, to the point he has to turn off for a while.
  • Hologram / Holographic Terminal: An hologram of Xadhoom in the datapack allows its user easier access the information within it. However, it is programmed to react only to a few choice words, so having a conversation with it is not easy.
  • Hope Spot: At the end of the issue, Paperinik is talking about how they will find a way to bring Xadhoom's memories out of the datapack and give her a new body, only for it to deactivate itself now that its mission is fulfilled.
  • Human Aliens: Rawr and the unnamed mercenary that looks like Mega Man (Classic).
  • Hypocrite: Not really explicit, but it's there: Zoster sounds like a Hollywood Atheist when the other mercenaries force him to pay respect and homage to the Last Haga, which they almost worship, and does so begrudgingly. When he obtains Xadhoom's powers, he immediately demands respect and worship from the nearby planets threatening retribution, in god-complex like hamminess.
  • Killed Offscreen: All the mercenaries when Zoster makes their ship explode to obtain Xadhoom's powers.
  • Kill It with Fire: How Paperinik gets rid of several of the Haga's spawns.
  • Kneel Before Zod: Zoster does this to the whole universe after stealing Xadhoom's powers.
    Zoster:"On your knees, worlds! Kneel now! Or I'll erase you with a single gesture!"
  • Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique: The leader of the mercenaries obtains the information about the location of the datapack by strangling the Xerbian Xaedus.
  • Lethal Chef: The owner of the alien bar. And he admits it.
    "Oh, yeah? And now what do I give Wormo to eat?"
    Zoster:"One of your sandwiches!"
    "Are you kidding? I like my Wormo alive!"
    (Random customer, holding a sandwich) "That's a joke? That's a joke, I hope..."
  • Major Injury Underreaction: One of the mercenaries loses one hand but is more upset at one of his colleagues for making a pun about it. Apparently is something that happens regulary to him, and they have a bunch of robotic hands for these cases.
  • Meaningful Name: The Xerbian storyteller and Xado's father is named Xaedus, which is similar to the word "Aedo", which refers to the Aoidos, the ancient Greek storytellers.
  • Narrating the Present: After he finishes narrating Xadhoom's story, the Xerbian storyteller starts to tell the story we are reading.
  • No Name Given: Except for their chief Rawr and another one called Rahul, we don't learn the name of any of the mercenaries.
  • Organic Technology: The Haga is implied to be a living creature, but after returning from the assault on Ducklair Tower she slowly merges with the ship itself.
  • Phlebotinum Overload:Zoster gets an incomplete process of how obtain Xadhoom's powers, which results in him being disintegrated molecule by molecule because he can't control it.
  • Physical God: Zoster gets Xadhoom's near unlimited powers... for about five seconds.
  • Planet Eater: Apparently it would take her a couple of centuries, but the Haga can potentially do this to Earth.
  • The Reveal: Xaedus, the Xerbian storyteller, is actually Xadhoom's father.
  • Shout-Out: One of the mercenaries wears a blue outfit similar to Mega Man. He also loses an hand,so it looks like he has an Arm Cannon.
  • The Starscream: Rawr plans to kill Zoster once the Great Haga is ready to go back on Earth. Too bad Zoster kills him-and everybody on board as well-with his experiment.
  • Sword and Gun: Rawr and his mercenaries carry hi-tech guns but also swords. Because their revered Haga can merge with their own ship, it is shown that they use swords in this case in order to avoid shooting the Haga by mistake.
  • The Unseen: Wormo, the alien animal(?) that would have eaten Xaedus if the people in the bar had not found his story entertaining.
