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Recap / Paperinik New Adventures S 1 E 29 Time Escapes

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Paperinik and Lyla must give chase to a couple of time-travelers throughout several periods to take their Time Machine. However, there seems to be someone who is modifying their adventures as they live them...

Tropes Present In This Issue:

  • Cool Versus Awesome: T-rexes versus alien vampires,thanks to Paperinik.
  • Continuity Nod: Styvesant from "Portrait Of The Hero As A Young Duck" returns: he is the producer watching the demo.
  • Didn't See That Coming: When they encounter a golem in Greece, Vlad assumes that it must be one of Malva's robots and knocks PK down so that they'll be captured and meet her. Too bad it really was a golem manipulated by someone else.
  • Doing It for the Art: Styvesant would rather make movies and TV shows the old, more expensive way, since it allows people to express themselves creatively, rather the using the new simulator.
  • The Dragon: Vlad. Also at one point Malva builds a literal dragon robot.
  • Enemy Mine: Vlad and Paperinik briefly ally to find Malva and Lyla.
  • Evil Sorceress: Zanthya, a greek woman who can control a giant rock monster.
  • Friendly Enemy: Since they get stranded deeper and deeper in the past, ultimately Malva and Vlad end up becoming less and less hostile to the heroes.
  • Freudian Slip: Paperinik accidentally reveals to Mcstark and Chang the Malva is from the future.
  • Gamebooks: A meta-example. There are two mysterious individuals that are constantly interrupting the comic to change things or to ask an explanation. It's Styvesant and a TV producer, who are watching the demo the latter created.
  • Giant Enemy Crab: Paperinik and Lyla face one at the beginning.
  • Good News, Bad News: Paperinik and Vlad bet a dollar on the noise they've just heard being made by a boar. After Paperinik checks, he says he has good news and bad news. The good is that he owes Vlad a dollar. The bad is why he owes him a dollar: it's a golem.
  • Golem: Zanthya controls one mentally.
  • Harmful Healing: In order to send a distress signal as a last resort, PK gives some energy to Lyla by shooting her with his shield's blaster. It works.
  • Lady of War: Malva becomes one in the Middle Ages, where she has conquered castle after castle with an army of robots and a mechanical dragon.
  • Look Behind You: When Lyla is about to attack her, Malva advises her to do just that. Lyla of course isn't fooled... and so Vlad can swipe from her the time machine she just obtained.
  • Middle Ages: Another era they visit.
  • Mugged for Disguise: Offscreen, Vlad took a shepherd's clothes and gave him something in return: a tap on the head!
  • Occult Detective: Edward Mcstark, a detective that Paperinik and Lyla meet in the Duckburg of the 19th Century.
  • Real Name as an Alias: Malva doesn't bother to change name in the 19th Century. Justified since, after all, everybody who knew her except her Vlad wouldn't still be born for at lest a century.
  • Robot Master: Malva can build robots even centuries before electricity.
  • Running Gag: Vlad's habit to knock people senseless by attacking from behind. Lampshaded by Lyla.
    Vlad: "I'm a simple man, I have fun with little.
  • Time Machine: The one featured in the story lets the user travel only backwards and has a limited battery.
  • Time Travel: Paperinik, Lyla and the villains find themselves traveling to several eras.
  • Villainous Friendship: Type I: Malva and Vlad are comfortable with each other, care about each other's well-being and there isn't a single moment where Malva acts as a Bad Boss to him.
  • The Voiceless: Chang, the assistant of Edward Mcstark. His employer is more shocked when he utters a single word, than about the boat that time-traveled just in front of them.
  • We Need a Distraction: Done with freaking Tyrannosaurus Rexes,so that Paperinik could rescue the others.
