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Recap / Orange Is the New Black S01E12 "Fool Me Once"

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"Fool Me Once" is the twelfth episode of season one of Orange Is the New Black.

Aleida and Red's plot to frame Mendez as the father of Daya's baby backfires. Piper tries to pick up the pieces after Larry's radio interview, and serves her janitorial night duties. Pennsatucky's back story is revealed.

This episode provides examples of the following tropes:

  • Armor-Piercing Question: Alex to Piper during their fight.
    Alex: Larry left you, didn't he?
  • Blatant Lies: Piper lies about being over Alex getting her into prison.
    Piper: I'm over it. It's fine.
  • Crisis of Faith: Pennsatucky has one after her stay in Psych. "You know what it means when there ain't nobody punishing the evil-doers? It means there ain't nobody giving out prizes for the good ones, neither."
  • Caught with Your Pants Down: Caputo catches Pornstache having sex with Diaz.
  • Dirty Cop: Figueroa's general competence at running Litchfield is revealed to be a cover for the fact that she's been embezzling millions from it.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: The woman at the clinic says to Pennsatucky "Fifth one. We should get you a punch card and you'll get the sixth one free." In response to this snarky comment, Pennsatucky shoots her for "disrespect."
  • Dogs Are Dumb: "Kill, little Boo, Kill!" (Little Boo licks Boo's face). *beat* "We're working on that."
  • Exact Words: Bennett runs afoul of this after taking Pornstache's tip-off about how Neptune's Produce smuggles drugs (specifically, Pornstache's drugs) into the facility. He stops them at the gate, discovers the contraband, and brings it to Caputo. As Fig points out, this means that—technically speaking—Neptune did not smuggle them onto the grounds, Bennett did. She uses this excuse to sweep the matter under the rug, not wanting to draw any attention to Litchfield.
  • Fourth-Date Marriage: Piper's brother Cal has chucked his life and moved to a trailer in the woods with a woman he's known for two months.
  • Manly Men Can Hunt: Played with. When Cal's fiancee finds "factory meat," she confronts him for not being "fully committed" to the lifestyle—which includes hunting all their meat.
  • Minion with an F in Evil: Fischer takes well-meaning advice from Caputo to be a little more strict about rules. She's far too sweet to be good at it.
  • Mood Whiplash: Yoga Jones' heartbreaking back story starts out funny ("Deer love weed"), and abruptly shifts to a Tear Jerker when she reveals to Watson that she killed a little boy, thinking he was a deer in her crops.
  • No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Fischer tries to assert her authority over Miss Claudette, who has just lost her appeal. This leads directly to...
  • Put on a Bus: ...Miss Claudette trying to strangle her. Since touching a C.O. is treated as a Moral Event Horizon, she's bundled off to max(imum security) and never seen again.
  • Title Drop: Piper confronts Alex about naming her during the trial.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Alex delivers one to Piper.
    Alex: Larry left you, didn't he? And that's why you're fake-fine with me. Right now, you're willing to overlook pretty much anything because ultimately you're just terrified of being alone. Is that what I am to you? Just a fucking binky for you to suck on until you feel better?
