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Recap / OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes S 2 E 1 Seasons Change

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When our heroes return from time off, KO is horrified to discover that things have changed.


  • Affectionate Parody: This episode is one to Time Skip arcs that often happen in Shōnen Manga/Anime.
  • Awful Truth: Rad and Enid are eventually forced to admit that their new costumes and gimmicks are actively hindering their attempts to fight bad guys, on top of looking ridiculous.
  • Black Cloak: ARMS is shown wearing a high-collared, floor-length black cloak with Too Many Belts and a purple cravat.
  • Boss Subtitles: Rad, Enid and K.O. are each introduced with subtitles that point out how they've changed ("Now Orange", "Now Mime", and "Same Boy", respectively). When Rad and Enid decide to change back, they get a title that reads "Rad and Enid (Back to Normal)".
  • Breather Episode: While not without an actual status quo change, this episode is much more comedic than the first season finale.
  • Comically Missing the Point: The whole time Enid was studying mime, she thought it was genjutsu.
  • Cosmetic Catastrophe: In a rare male example, Rad sees some tanned people at the cruise and asks his mother for suntan lotion. Unfortunately, he picks up a bottle of orange rind (marked "not for use on skin") instead. It leaves his skin orange and itchy, and when he steps out in the sun, it gets all fried and flaky.
  • Discard and Draw: Enid, after learning "genjutsu," abandons her old skills for her new mime abilites. This bites her in the ass when it turns out that these mime abilities are not very good for combat.
  • Distracted by the Sexy: Enid walked into the wrong classroom after being distracted by a handsome ninja.
  • Farm Girl: Red action is inexplicably dressed in stereotypical farmer’s clothing, complete with obligatory wheat stalk in her mouth.
  • Imagine Spotting: Enid and Rad are able to see K.O.'s flashbacks, and point out that Mr. Gar is in all of them.
  • Late to the Realization: K.O. had no idea that his mom and Mr. Gar were dating, even after Rad and Enid try to explain it to him. It only dawns on him when he sees Carol kiss Mr. Gar.
  • Lawyer-Friendly Cameo: The ninja Enid is distracted by looks an awful lot like Kakashi.
  • Nothing Is the Same Anymore: Parodied and double-subverted. Rad and Enid both adopt ridiculous gimmicks that they abandon despite insisting otherwise, but something actual has changed: Mr. Gar and Carol started dating.
  • Relationship Reveal: Mr. Gar and Carol are revealed to have become a couple during the summer. K.O. was completely unaware even though he spent the whole summer with them.
  • Significant Wardrobe Shift: Everyone but K.O. changed their outfits during the time skip, as seen when Rad walks by the Plaza. Parodied with Dogman, who only changed the color of his shirt, despite having been in a war.
    • Potato and Colewort donned dark trenchcoats, boots, and took up katanas.
    • Red Action is dressed like a Farm Boy, Drupe dressed like a raver, and Gregg became a punk rocker.
    • R.M.S. swapped his cape for black robes... while Brandon's shirt simply says ''Season Two'' on it.
  • Shout-Out: Potato's Significant Wardrobe Shift makes her look like Usagi Yojimbo.
  • Spontaneous Human Combustion: Gregg apparently finds Rad's new look so shocking that they explode.
  • Stock Scream: Red Action lets out the Howie Long scream when she sees Rad’s new appearance.
  • Time Skip: Three months have passed since the end of the first season. Rad and Enid explain the concept to K.O., describing it as a hero's rite of passage.
  • Unreliable Voice Over: All three of the Bodega crew tell inaccurate versions of their summer time as the truth is shown to the audience:
    • Rad embellishes a cruise with his parents and getting a tan into an epic training quest.
    • Enid describes taking a class as a Master of Illusion, oblivious that she actually took a class at being a mime.
    • K.O. claims nothing changed in his life, describing his daily routine, but leaving out Mr. Gar's sudden presence. Rad and Enid see it and immediately realize K.O. missed his and Carol's Relationship Upgrade.
  • Your Mime Makes It Real: Enid's mime class features her accidentally walking into an invisible doorframe, and spilling actual hot coffee on her teacher's lap from a mimed coffee pot. Unfortunatley, her mime techniques don't work too well in a fight against Big Bull Demon.
