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Recap / OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes S 1 E 46 OK Dendy! Let's Be K.O.!

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Dendy fills in for K.O. at the bodega.


  • Be Yourself:
    • Invoked and comically zig-zagged by Dendy: She starts imitating K.O., planning on it failing to "learn" she needs to be herself. When fighting her own way also fails, she succeeds by imitating K.O. again, but doing it "her way" (using technology to creating a giant Hard Light project of him over her body).
    • Dendy also gives Ernesto an inspirational speech to be a villain his own way that makes him much more dangerous.
  • Call-Back: The opening shows Dendy greeting passersby, which is directly lifted from the episode "You Are Rad".
  • Faux Computer Code: Dendy changes the color of her headband from #0090FF (a slightly greenish blue) to K.O.'s #FF0000 (red).
  • Freeze-Frame Bonus: When Dendy shows off her record of K.O.'s daily routine, you can briefly see entries like "Enjoy nutritionally dubious breakfast" and "Fail to notice Enid's sarcasm".
  • Irony: As Dendy herself notes at the end, the normal Aesop would be to Be Yourself, but she saved the day by emulating K.O. in her own way.
  • Mathematician's Answer: When a customer asks Dendy if he should dye his hair profound black or sidekick orange, she says "No."
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Ernesto tries the typical grandiose speeches and laser weapons...until Dendy advises him to be himself. He does. And proceeds to steamroll Rad and Enid.
    Rad: Dendy! Why'd you give him constructive criticism?
  • Opening Shout-Out: As Dendy considers taking over for K.O., the last few moments of the opening title sequence play, only with Dendy in place of K.O.
  • Prefers Going Barefoot: Inverted. Dendy initially takes off her shoes to act more like K.O., but notes how uncomfortable she is and immediately puts them back on.
  • Scary Shiny Glasses: Dendy gets them when she does inner monologues.
  • Schedule Fanatic: Dendy has compiled a checklist of K.O.'s daily routine, and tries to follow it to the letter. For example, she has an item on laughing at Rad's jokes, which she does, even though Rad is currently napping.
  • Transformation Sequence: Spoofed when Dendy makes herself more like K.O. by taking off her shoes, changing the color of her hairband from blue to red, and putting on his work vest. She then says that she feels uncomfortable and puts her shoes back on.
