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Recap / Numb3rs S 04 E 12

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Written & Directed by Julie Hebert

Don's team tracks a serial rapist who is also a cop who uses his position to lure and attack women.

Tropes for this episode:

  • Dirty Cop: The perpetrator pulls women over, has them drink laced water, and rapes them, abusing his position as a police officer.
  • Dramatically Missing the Point: The IA investigator doesn't understand why having a victim picked up and transported by a cop is a problem.
  • Internal Affairs: A detective from this department joins the team for the investigation.
  • Serial Rapist: The perpetrator has raped numerous women after pulling them over.
  • Tampering with Food and Drink: The perpetrator offers women drug-laced water before raping them, although one of the victims declined.
