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Recap / NonPack

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As a Recap subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

This page will consolidate the recaps for each issue of Nonpack. At some point, as the story shifts to Rougee as stated by the author, the issues will be organized into different categories on this page.

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     Issue #0: Dog Tags 
  • All There in the Manual: Enforced; the entire point of this issue is to give more backstory that isn't explained in thorough detail in other issues. Half of the issue does just that.
  • Foreshadowing: Played for laughs by Shara, who points out that they'll probably go through horrible things like any family would when Doc explains that the lines represent how they all connect to form a family.
  • Hidden Depths: Doc's revealed to have this after Yuki discovers his impressive drawing skills when the latter brings it up to Karen.
  • Motor Mouth: Yuki turns into this after seeing the new logo for The Satos that Doc was developing and explaining to the gang.
  • Origins Episode: This issue serves as a prequel that explains how the Satos came to be and how Marcel became their boss.
  • Puppy-Dog Eyes: Karen does this to gain a little extra bonus from Marcel when the other Satos aren't present to see after selling their "product". Surprisingly, Marcel grants it to her, albeit reluctantly.

     Issue #1: Bark and Bite 
  • Alas, Poor Villain: We see Flashbacks of Honey's Dark and Troubled Past that give him a Freudian Excuse for his brutality. See invoked Cry for the Devil on the YMMV page for more details.
  • Attack! Attack! Attack!: Basically, the entire strategy the Coo Coo Bois rely on when coming down on Honey.
  • Ax-Crazy: Honey is a bloodthirsty badger who's armed with chains, carries military-grade firearms nobody could get, C4s, and he has access to a serum that turns him into a bulkier and crazier version of himself…and a bee cannon.
  • Badass Boast: Yuki gives one when getting ready to whack Marcel’s nuts with a plank for double-crossing the Satos and holding his kid sister Shara at gunpoint.
  • Big Brother Instinct: The minute Marcel hold's Shara at gunpoint, Yuki doesn't hesitate to disarm him to save his little sister.
  • Body Horror: When Karen falls into a vat of bodywash, she emerges as a feral creature with scary red eyes and More Teeth than the Osmond Family from what is implied to be Goset's intervention. Fortunately, she gets better.
  • Crystal Dragon Jesus: Goset is in many ways the Jesus of the story; and a pigeon Jesus at that.
  • Detrimental Determination: Karen goes after Honey, he beats her up, then she attacks him again — over and over. Doc tries to get her to stop, but her pride keeps her going for a long time before she finally listens to him.
  • Disc-One Final Boss: Honey may have been a hardened gangster with access to bio-enhancements, but as shown through his death, he’s just one of the many opponents Karen will face.
  • Foreshadowing: Many of the gangsters that Doc talked about in his plan to defeat Honey are most likely a sign of who they will be up against in future volumes to come.
  • Given Name Reveal:
    • Throughout most of the comic, Karen is only referred to by her first name. Near the end of this issue (specifically when her name tag is shown in the hospital scene) we learn that her last name is Fleischer, which is both a Shout-Out (to Max and Dave Fleischer) and a Meaningful Name (it's German for "butcher").
    • Through flashbacks, Honey's real name is revealed to be José Ramirez.
  • Gluttonous Pig: Marcel, obviously, both literally and metaphorically.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: Marcel had been pulling the strings the entire time given Honey was working for him.
  • Hulking Out:
    • The effect of the Super-Strength serum on Honey.
    • Goset's intervention turns Karen into a demonic form of herself, complete with its own language.
  • Pocket Protector: Honey's brass knuckles in Karen's coat pocket catch a bullet.
  • The Strategist: Doc is essentially The Smart Guy of the Satos, as he’s the one who usually forms the plans needed to take down whatever enemy they're up against. Unfortunately, Karen doesn’t listen to him until after Honey has kicked her ass several times.
  • Sudden Downer Ending: Honey is defeated, but unfortunately with little fanfare after it's revealed Marcel had sent him after the Satos in the first place. They end up having to fight off Marcel from killing Shara, and while most of the Satos were able to get away, Yuki has to stay behind and go to his Uncertain Doom to give the Satos their chance to become their own gang.
  • Summon Bigger Fish: Invoked with Doc's strategy; he basically gets other gangs to attack Honey in order to overwhelm him long enough to get the cash back. It doesn't necessarily work as intended...
  • Taking You with Me: Holy shit does Honey invoke this; he's had a C4 planted on the very building he was on in the case that he needed to do this. Case in point, he kills off what appears to be all of the Coo Coo Bois.
  • Victory-Guided Amnesia: When Karen comes to in the hospital, she has no memory of Hulking Out and killing Honey. Doc (who was with her) tells her most of what happened, although he leaves out the Body Horror part.
  • Visual Pun: You know what weapon Honey gained from arming himself with a hive? Honey Bees.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: Downplayed, but there are a lot of characters just introduced in this issue who are either seemingly killed or do in fact get killed off such as DJ Gocho and the Badillos, the most significant ones being Honey and Yuki.
  • Wham Shot: The implication that Honey had been working under Marcel’s thumb when he started complaining that he wasn’t at the fighter’s ring he was betting money on.

     Issue #2: currently unnamed 
  • Broken Bird: Shara begins to show signs of this in the beginning of the issue.
  • Downer Beginning: The comic resumes directly after the Satos were double-crossed by Marcel, and has them running to a hideout Doc had for "just in case."
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Marcel may be a cruel bastard, but this issue shows us that he's also a loving husband and father.
  • Normally, I Would Be Dead Now: At the very end we learn that Yuki is alive. However, he's in pretty bad shape because two thugs (presumably Marcel's henchmen) have been torturing him.
