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Recap / Ninjago S 9 E 86 Iron And Stone

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Airdate: August 11, 2018

Cole and Wu try to rescue their teammates from the Dragon Hunters. Back in Ninjago, Lloyd reunites with some former allies.

  • Accidental Truth: Cole claims he and Wu are the "Dangerbuffs" when questioned by a large Dragon Hunter, but it turns out there's a whole family of Dangerbuffs in the First Realm, and Cole's odd behavior is pretty typical for them.
  • The Bus Came Back: The Elemental Masters appear again, some for the first time since the Tournament of Elements.
    • Bus Crash: The Ultra Dragon is also seen again, after an even longer period. The Iron Baron's throne is constructed from its skeletal remains.
  • Family-Unfriendly Death: Mr. E is ripped to pieces by Garmadon for failure.
  • Hiding in Plain Sight: The Resistance's headquarters are at the garbage depot, allowing them to move around, undetected, in garbage trucks.
  • Just Following Orders: Harumi tries using this when arguing for Mr. E's life, but it doesn't work.
  • Laughing Mad: By the mid-point of the episode, Jay passes from calm detachment from the ninja's situation to inappropriate chuckling at the fact they've been thrown into an arena to be eaten.
  • The Nose Knows: The dragon the Iron Baron keeps in the arena can smell Wu from a way off, and his half-oni status aggravates it. The Dragon Hunters just presume it's the ninja doing that.
  • Playing Possum: One of Chew-Toy's less than helpful pieces of advice is to play dead, since the dragon will get tired of nibbling them after a while. However, Kai does give it a try eventually.
  • You Have Failed Me: Mr. E is destroyed as an example of what will happen to the rest of the Sons if they fail.
