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Recap / Mr Robot S 03 E 04

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  • The Bad Guy Wins: Angela.
  • Book Ends: The episode begins with Darlene recovering a Polaroid picture and ends with her relinquishing it. "Everything Means Nothing To Me" by Elliott Smith also plays in both scenes.
  • Downer Ending: Angela gains the upper hand and successfully foils Elliot's attempts at stopping Stage 2 by firing him from E Corp and holding him prisoner to keep Mr. Robot awake, Darlene is too late to save him from her. This allows Tyrell, Irving, and Whiterose to complete the planning of Stage 2.
  • Evil Me Scares Me: Elliot uses this to convince Darlene that he is a victim of Mr. Robot's influence.
  • Instant Sedation: Elliot drops like a sack of potatoes mere seconds after Angela injects him with a tranquilizer.
  • Internal Reveal: Angela, Tyrell and Mr. Robot all learn of Elliot's sabotage of Stage 2.
  • Let's Get Dangerous!: Mr. Robot quickly demonstrates to Tyrell that he is the mastermind of 5/9 by nearly choking him to death.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Angela tranquilizing Elliot unequivocally cements her convergence to the dark side and turning into Elliot's worst enemy.
  • Tearjerker: Darlene leaving the Polaroid picture of her family behind in Elliot's apartment.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Tyrell is not pleased once it comes to light that Elliot has been sabotaging stage two, proceeding to smash a keyboard and stomp out a set of shelves.
  • You Wake Up in a Room: A horrifying example with Elliot's personality superseding Mr. Robot's in the Red Wheelbarrow basement.
