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Recap / Monster Rancher S2 E21: Tears

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Restored to full power, and aware of the Phoenix, Moo attempts to destroy it immediately. When the Searchers persist in blocking his way, he shows them how helpless they really are by letting them attack him. Their attacks do nothing, and he attempts to bring out their hatred by capturing Genki and tormenting the Searchers emotionally, with a particular emphasis on his daughter Holly.

Suddenly, Pixie, Big Blue, and the Dragon army fly in to save Genki—but this incurs the wrath of Moo. With one swipe of his claw, he chops Pixie's wings off, captures her, and starts shocking her. His promise to finish her off as well as their friends pushes the Searchers over the edge, and their hatred soon overwhelms them.

And then their hatred overwhelms Moo. His rational side shatters, and he focuses only on causing as much death and destruction as possible. Flying away from the battlefield, he heads to his floating castle and destroys it, continuing to rampage across the land.

Pixie is fatally wounded and will soon become a Lost Disk, but Big Blue refuses to let that happen. He decides to fuse with her to save her even though it means he'd utterly cease to exist—it's worth it if she lives. Pixie is reborn as Granity... and then she wonders where Big Blue is and why everyone's crying.

This episode contains examples of:

  • Cessation of Existence: Becoming a Lost Disk and Monsters fusing together are portrayed as this.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Big Blue gives up his own existence to ensure that Pixie lives.
  • I Shall Taunt You: Moo does this to make the Searchers hate him. It's played a lot more seriously than most examples.
  • No-Sell: As before, the heroes try attacking Moo but with his new and improved body, nothing scratches him.
  • The Power of Hate: Moo thrives on it and keeps taunting the heroes to he can power himself up.
  • Phlebotinum Overload: Played with. Moo goads the heroes to hate him to fuel himself and become more powerful, but it becomes too much that he loses his sense of self and becomes nothing more then a mindless beast who starts rampaging across the land and attacking everything, including his own troops.
  • Relative Button: Moo presses this for both Tiger and Holly. With Tiger, he taunts him about having to fight and kill Gray Wolf, and for Holly, he says that her father is completely gone and he wishes she could have seen how pitiful he looked at the very end.
