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Recap / Monkie Kid S 2 E 8 To Catch A Leaf

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When MK comes down with a serious case of hiccups, Sandy takes it upon himself to find a powerful flower that will help to cure him. Unfortunately, the Spider goon Huntsman is also searching for the same thing.


  • A Day in the Limelight: Sandy, a character that appears the least out of the main crew, is the main focus of this episode, and as such we get a glimpse into his backstory and the reason why he chose to stop being a ruthless rage-driven warrior.
  • Armour-Piercing Question: Sandy directs one of these towards Huntsman when the latter mocks him for using his strength just to be MK’s “errand boy”, asking him in turn why HE is acting as such for Spider Queen - or more accurately, Lady Bone Demon. The end of the episode shows this really got to Huntsman, questioning Lady Bone Demon herself on why she’s making him collect these ingredients for a purpose he’s not entirely sure of.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: Huntsman spends the entire episode trying to goad Sandy into fighting back and to, in his words, "go crazy on [him]." When Sandy finally hits his Rage Breaking Point, he points this out.
    Sandy: *deep, booming voice* What's the matter? Isn't this what you wanted?
  • Blatant Lies: Huntsman only takes one petal from the flower, leaving the rest inside Sandy's guidebook to take back himself. When a suspicious-sounding Lady Bone Demon asks if it's really all he managed to take, Huntsman says it was. She doesn’t seem to entirely believe him, but says it doesn’t matter, as one petal is all they need.
  • Contrived Coincidence: As the group is trying to figure out how to cure MK's hiccups, they discover that the flower needed to cure them blooms under a crimson moon. Which turns out to be rising that exact night, as Sandy lampshades.
    Sandy: By the gods of plot convenience!
  • Find the Cure!: Fortunately non-fatal, but the episode focuses on Sandy looking for an ancient flower that will help cure a case of hiccups (Earthquake-causing hiccups specifically) for MK. Though Mei very much treats it like it's fatal, much to Pigsy's annoyance.
  • Friend to All Living Things: Sandy is very kind to the jungle animals during the episode, and they in turn adore him and come to his aid when Huntsman attacks him.
  • Get Out!: After sparing Huntsman's life at the last second, Sandy sends him scurrying away with a cold "Leave this place."
  • Hiccup Hijinks: The cursed meatballs MK ate (which Pigsy told him not to) have given him a superpowered case of hiccups that cause earthquakes. Mei explains that she'd spent time earlier trying to get rid of them via acupuncture and scaring them away, but the attempts were fruitless.
  • Know When to Fold Them: Seeing that Sandy is far more powerful than he anticipated and he's woefully outmatched, Huntsman chooses to retreat when he's given the opportunity.
  • Not So Above It All: When Huntsman asks Lady Bone Demon why they're collecting these ingredients, she actually pauses with a disgusted look on her face before asking a disbelieving "You're just now asking this?" a noted contrast to her normally cool and collected self.
  • Precision F-Strike: A PG-level one, as Huntsman exclaims "Damn thing!" when a bird crashes into his face during his confrontation with Sandy.
  • Pretty Butterflies: A blue butterfly appears throughout the end of the episode, notably sitting atop Sandy's fist when he holds back his punch at the last second.
  • Rage Breaking Point: Sandy refuses to fight back against Huntsman no matter how much the latter attempts to provoke him by insulting and attacking him - it’s only when Huntsman hurts the jungle animals that came to defend him that Sandy shows the spider goon that pissing him off is a VERY BAD idea.
  • Shout-Out: The giant hole in the wall Sandy left behind Huntsman is the same way Saitama demonstrated his power to Genos in One-Punch Man.
  • Tastes Like Friendship: Sandy bonds with the jungle critters, namely the monkeys, by sharing his packed lunch with them.
  • We Are Not Going Through That Again: After being cured of his hiccups, MK says he's still craving the very meatballs that gave him the hiccups to begin with. Mei brains him with a glass and knocks him out.
