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Recap / Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers S3E39 Water You Thinking

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The Ranger kids bid goodbye to Billy and the Aquitians, as they take the leap into a time hole on their mission to restore the Earth's proper rotation by finding the five sub-sections of the Zeo Crystal. Young Rocky's first to arrive in the past, encountering a familiar child named Pablo, who reveals to him the volcanic troubles of his Mexican village. Can Rocky help them out, and in the process, find the first piece of the Crystal? Back in the present, Cestro begins to weaken from lack of water, but thanks to a tip from some local fish, the Aquitians discover a hidden freshwater source. But Lord Zedd's old pal, Witchblade, attempts to keep the Blue Alien Ranger from reaching it! Meanwhile, Goldar & Rito try to find the base of the Command Center by splitting up, and Young Bulk and Skull become fans of the Alien Rangers.


  • Didn't Think This Through: Zedd's shield around the earth prevented the Alien Rangers from calling their Battle Borgs, but he forgot about the Shogun Megazord.
  • Foreshadowing: The glow of Rocky's Zeo Crystal is colored blue and in the shape of a triangle.
  • Informed Ability: Inverted; Pablo claims he can speak a LITTLE English, but his fluency in said language betrays a familiarity with the dialect.
  • Kid from the Future: Turns out Pablo is actually the younger version of Rocky's grandfather.
  • Trail Of Breadcrumbs: While in the tunnels under the Command Center, Goldar leaves a trail of popcorn to find his way back in case he reaches a dead end. Unfortunately for him, Rito eats it.
