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Recap / Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers S2E51 Wild West Rangers Part 2

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To defeat Needlenose, Kim calls on the help of the time period’s Zordon, so she can empower her friend’s ancestors to become Power Rangers.


  • Between My Legs: Goldar, Needlenose, and Putties between Kimberly's legs.
  • Call-Forward: When the White Stranger was hit by one of Needlenose's darts, it briefly glowed green.
  • Cardboard Prison: One-Eyed Bulk and Doc Skullovitch easily break out of the jail cell they were initially put in, One-Eyed Bulk by bending the bars and Skullovitch by...somehow.
  • Continuity Nod: Kimberly mentions that Rita still had the Green Ranger coin.
  • Cowboy Episode: Kimberly is sent back to 1880 during Angel Grove's Wild West era.
  • Cute Clumsy Girl: Alicia during the putty fight.
  • Dramatic Irony: Billy's ancestor William tells his friends that Kimberly is fighting to make the world safe for their descendants, unaware they too are Power Rangers.
  • Faux Action Girl: Alicia is not as good a fighter as Kimberly or the guys, coming across as rather clumsy during her section of the putty fight.
  • Generation Xerox: One-Eye Bulk and Doc Skullovitch try to find out about Kimberly's powers and use her to be famous.
    Adam: Even Bulk and Skull's great-great-great-grandfathers try to find out who we were.
  • Harmless Villains: One-Eyed Bulk and Doc Skullovitch are lousy bandits, which is probably why they weren't hanged.
  • Identical Stranger: At the end of the episode, The White Stranger spots a black-haired girl identical to Kimberly, her ancestor.
  • In Spite of a Nail: Kimberly's jaunt to the past doesn't change a thing in the present, despite the fact that Goldar and the Monster of the Week followed her, requiring her to find that era's Zordon and Alpha 5, gain the Power Coins, and give them to the Rangers' great-great-grandparents, to fight the villains Ranger-style. (And the present-day Zordon seemed to already know about it. Maybe because it happened already?)
  • Instant Expert: Averted with Miss Alicia who barely gets in one punch during the putty fight who otherwise has to rather pathetically dodge the putties' attacks. Played straight with Rocko, William, and Abraham to an extent.
  • Politically Correct History: Kimberly goes back in time, wearing almost nothing (although THIS is lampshaded as men can be seen leering at her), with what would be considered a boy's haircut in the 1880s, and finds people who look exactly like her friends, who include a black woman, an Asian and a Hispanic. Naturally, nothing is ever said about all these people just walking around.
    • More justified than you think, the old West had many Fleeing slaves and Asian immigrants, and much of it used to be Mexico. Heck, Rocko mentions after he morphs that he used to take self-defense “south of the border”, strongly implying his Hispanic roots.
  • Riding into the Sunset: How the episode ends.
    White Stranger: To the Pink Ranger! Yee-haw!
  • Showdown at High Noon: Between Kimberly and Goldar, Needlenose, and Putties. Later, Kimberly with the Wild West Rangers.
  • Silence, You Fool!: Rita yells this at Squatt and Baboo while berating them, even though they weren't even involved in the episode.
  • Sixth Ranger: The White Stranger could be considered this while fighting with the Wild West Rangers, despite having no Ranger powers himself.
  • Shout-Out: Goldar renames 1880's Angel Grove, Zedd-&-Rita-ville, so when the Cactus themed monster, Needlenose attacks the Power Rangers in the past, he references the popular Jimmy Buffett song "Margaritaville".
    "Too bad I got to waste you away again in Zedd-&-Rita-Ville!"
  • Technical Pacifist: William opposes violence, but he will defend himself.
  • Working on the Chain Gang: What happens to One-Eyed Bulk and Doc Skullovitch at the end of the episode, after being recaptured by the White Stranger.
