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Recap / Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers S1E49 Return of an Old Friend Part 1

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Rita Repulsa concocts a vile scheme to blackmail the Power Rangers into giving up their Power Coins by kidnapping their parents and sending them to another dimension. Though the Rangers give up the coins, Goldar shows no intention of giving their parents back and all hope seems lost... until an old friend returns.


  • The Bus Came Back: Jason David Frank returns to MMPR. Originally, he left to star in "Cybertron", which became VR Troopers. When MMPR's ratings tanked, Saban called an audible and brought JDF back.
  • Chubby Mama, Skinny Papa: Bulk's parents.
  • Color-Coded for Your Convenience: Almost of the Rangers' parents wear their kids' signature colors (except for Zack's parents, who wear purple but still dark colors). Even Kimberly's dad has a pink handkerchief in his breast pocket.
  • Death Glare: Mr. Taylor shoots Skull one when he's filming Zack's family. His wife, on the other hand, appears to relish the attention.
  • He's Back!: Go, Green Ranger! Go! Go!
  • I Lied: Goldar lied about giving the Rangers their parents back.
  • Important Haircut: JDF debuts T.O.'s signature long locks.
  • In the Blood: Skull, who inherited his signature laugh from his mother. Plus, Zack's mother seems like a bit of a diva which clears up where her son got his attitude from.
  • It's All My Fault: Billy feels this way as they're forced to give Goldar their Power Coins.
    • Kim feels this way about her parents' divorce, but Trini (plus her parents in Part II) assures her that this isn't the case.
  • Missed Him by That Much: The Dramole burrows past a sulking Kimberly.
  • Missing Mom: Only Billy's father appears at Parents Day with no mention of a wife. David Yost theorized that Billy's mother may be deceased (due to cancer) and wanted to explore it in a future episode, but the show staff didn't go for it.
  • Muscles Are Meaningless: Trini's otherwise normal-figured dad is able to beat Jason's ripped old man at arm-wrestling.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Billy, when he's given the Dragon Dagger to Goldar.
  • Oh, Crap!: When Bulk sees the Dramole burrowing under the floor.
  • Rule of Three: The questions the parents ask when Rita causes the Youth Center to shake.
    Jason's Dad: What's going on?
    Kimberly's Dad: Where's Kimberly?
    Skull's Mom: What is that smell?!
  • This Is Something They Have to Do Themselves/Sadistic Choice: Zordon tells the Rangers that they alone have to decide whether or not to give up their Power Coins for their parents. They ultimately do so, but Goldar double crosses them and keeps the parents trapped.
  • Security Cling: Several of the parents when the Dramole attacks the Juice Bar.
  • Wham Line:
    Kimberly: So what do we do now? Goldar has all the power coins.
    Jason: Not all of them. Still have one. [reveals the weakened Dragon coin]
    [back at the Youth Center]
    Tommy: Where is everybody?
