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Recap / Married With Children S 9 E 8 No Pot To Pease In

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Kelly auditions for a sitcom, and the writers realize her life is way funnier than what they were writing and decide to base it off her life.

Episode Tropes:

  • Actually Pretty Funny: Al still finds "Pease in a Pod" hilarious even after he realizes the sitcom is based off him and his family.
  • Hidden Depths: The writers appear to be untalented hacks stealing ideas from Kelly. However, the end result proves to be actually funny and one writer reveals that he has been in the industry for decades and has enough money to afford a Trophy Wife. This implies he had merely been in a slump.
  • Self-Parody: "Pease In A Pod" parodies how over the top the show has become, the result is hysterical.
  • Take That, Critics!: The episode ends with "Pease in a Pod" being cancelled because a woman in Michigan found it offensive, and even manages to get football cancelled with her complaint.
  • Writers Suck: Subverted. The writers clearly didn't a winner in their sitcom in their script and mooch ideas off Kelly. That being said, they just stole the characters, everything else was all their own.
