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Recap / Married With Children S 6 E 3 Cheese Cues And Blood

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Cheese, Cues and Blood is an episode from Season 6 of Married... with Children.

Al thinks Kelly is prostituting herself to make money (and Jefferson is her pimp), but it turns out the two are pool-hustling and Al sells his own blood in order to get in on it.


  • Beat Them at Their Own Game: Bud gets his own ass served to him on a silver platter by Al for trying to seem and look cool and gangsta-like.
    Bud: Dad, you got a minute?
    Al: For you, Bud? Nah.
    Bud: I'm not Bud! How many times do I have to tell you? When the hat is on, I'm Streetrapper Grandmaster B! When it's off, I'm Bud. Got it? Now, the hat is on. Who am I?
    Al: Mommy's second little joke on me?
    Bud: The Grandmaster is not amused. Now listen, Dad, I need $20 for a pizza. But I need you to leave it on the coffee table so I can pretend to steal it in front of the girl. Cause, after all, I am an outlaw.
    Al: Well, I'm sorry, Grasshopper.
    Bud: [getting irritated] That's Grandmaster, you fool!
    Al: Gas Passer, Bass Haster, what's the difference? All right, look, it looks like I'm gonna have to communicate with you in the language of the street. [cups his fist to his mouth, and raps out a beat] Yo, I'm broke! Now go put your hat on sideways and boo-boo in that direction.
    Bud: The Grandmaster will not forget this.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Kelly didn't want to tell Al about her pool-hustling because he previously said he didn't want her hanging out in sleazy pool halls. Al retorts that he said that when she was five.
  • Papa Wolf: Thinking Kelly's become a prostitute and that a john has arranged a get together at the pool hall, Al storms down there to do something about it, ripping his front door off the hinges in the process. Thinking Jefferson is the pimp behind all this, Al wastes no time in strangling him. Kelly saying they're just hustling pool convinces Al to stop.
  • Smug Snake: Bud when he's "Grandmaster B" claims that he's an outlaw who's not afraid to break the law. Then he asks his dad for $20 to afford a pizza, rather than plotting to steal the money or steal the pizza itself. He wants to look like an outlaw who is stealing the cash in front of the girl he's inviting over for the pizza, without really resorting to lawbreaking himself.
  • Your Television Hates You: "Stay tuned for our afterschool special I Drank Because My Dad's a Shoe Salesman."
    Al: [looking up] Good one.
