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Recap / Married With Children S 6 E 20 The Goodbye Girl

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  • Actor Allusion: At the TV history museum, Jefferson is pestered by kids who think he was on Happy Days and The Love Boat. Ted McGinley was on both shows during their later seasons.
  • Aside Comment: Peg bemoans how Al hasn't send her one postcard while on vacation, all as he sits on the couch watching TV. A frustrated Bud can only look towards the audience and slowly mutter, "O-kay."
  • Comically Missing the Point: Coming home from work, Kelly delivers an Al Bundy-esque monologue and sticks her hand down her pants. Peg finds this oddly familiar, but she can't place it.
  • Dumb Blonde: One guy is able to get back into the museum simply by walking backwards in front of Kelly.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: Kelly gets the best job she's held for the entire series as the Verminator at a local theme park.
  • Got Me Doing It: Kelly returns home from work and delivers an Al Bundy-esque monologue about her dealings with a fat woman earlier in the day, before slumping into a chair and sticking a hand down her pants... again, just like her old man.
  • Head Desk: Kelly's initial job is just greeting those departing the museum ("Thank you, come again" over and over again). She does this in frustration over the job sucking, which actually allows for people to sneak back in without paying.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Bud gets a job as the bug Kelly destroys during her act in retaliation for getting her in trouble for something she didn't do.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: "Two viewer complaints would call for your cancellation"
  • Only Sane Man: Bud feels this way over the others acting like Al really is on vacation. Al pointing out this bit of self-delusion keeps him from violently snapping gets Bud to drop the complaint, though.
  • Snark Ball: Kelly in top form while sparring with Bud.
    Bud: Vengeance shall be mine.
    Kelly: Then vengeance can't be a woman.
