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Recap / Little Princess S 2 E 26 I Want Baked Beans

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It appears to be a spring day, and the Gardener is outside working. The narrator notes that he sounds happy as he's whistling. The narrator then smells food, which turns out to be the sausage, fried eggs, and beans the royals are eating. The Princess eats everything except her beans and the Queen tells her to eat them. Princess refuses on account of them looking "too round and bumpy", but the King is insistent.

Then, she says that the beans "look like rabbit poos". The King gags, but then points out that there are no rabbits in the kitchen. The Princess isn't so sure, wondering if maybe they climbed through the window. Eventually, the Princess reluctantly tries one bean and finds that it's actually good, so she finishes her breakfast.

Later, the Princess has a pretend tea party in her room with some toys and the pets, serving baked beans. She doesn't get to eat any though, as the maid calls her in for lunch, which is pasta. Disappointed, she wants to have more beans instead. She refuses to eat, so the King tries the "airplane" trick. This only makes her feel patronised, and so he tries demonstrating with himself, but that leads to the Princess tricking him into eating all the pasta. The Chef serves her beans, but not without making a joke about her turning into one.

Some time after, the Princess plays on her space hopper pretending to be a baked bean and we cut to a montage of her eating beans at meal times.

One evening, the King is worried about the Princess's health but the Queen is confident that the Princess will soon grow bored of beans. The Chef tries making the Princess's dinner into the shape of a castle, but it doesn't work since she decides it's too beautiful to eat.

That night, the Princess has gas, and her stomach is rumbling but she mistakes it for a monster under her bed. When she sees Scruff under the bed, she assumes he's making the noise.

The next morning, Puss tries to steal some sausages and the King tries to get the Princess interested in sausages by enthusing about how "sausage-y" they are. When the Chef enters and says he has enough beans for every meal for the Princess's whole life, she starts to have second thoughts about the whole "eating only beans" thing.

To make matters worse, when she tries to have another baked bean tea party, she ends up feeling nauseated and bandages her toys up, pretending that they've also eaten too many beans. She worries that this nausea is actually the first symptom of turning into a baked bean.

She decides not to eat any more baked beans and hides the cans in the laundry basket, pond, bush, and the Gardener's boots. Then, apparently feeling better, she goes off to play Twister with the adults. The Chef enters saying that the beans have disappeared, but then the Gardener, Maid, and Admiral show up with the beans.

The Princess says, "Oh no!", confusing the adults, and so she yells that she doesn't want them anymore. The adults immediately accept this, and the Princess makes lunch: banana sandwiches, and beans for the pets. Unfortunately, she claims to want only bananas.

This episode provides examples of

  • Accessory-Wearing Cartoon Animal: Puss dons a bandit hat in one of his attempts to steal a sausage.
  • Ahem: The Queen dramatically clears her throat when she sees that the King's eaten all the Princess's lunch.
  • Amusing Injuries: When the Princess eats beans instead of the dinner he made, he tries to facepalm, but accidentally hurts himself.
    Chef: "Oh! (attempted facepalm) OW!"
  • Artistic License – Medicine: When the Princess is pretending her toys are sick from too many beans, she bandages them up. Bandages don't treat nausea, and if the abdomen is bandaged, could make it worse since it's putting pressure on the abdomen.
  • Bait-and-Switch: At one scene in the montage, it appears as though the Princess is reaching for a sandwich, but really she's reaching for a bowl of baked beans.
  • Blatant Lies: Princess claims that baked beans are Puss's favourite food, even though he's gagging up a storm as she lists her baked bean dishes.
  • Buffy Speak:
    • Princess describes the sauce the baked beans come in as "tomato-y".
    • The King enthuses about how "sausage-y" his sausages are.
  • Cordon Bleugh Chef: The Princess serves baked bean ice cream and milkshake at her tea party, and when she's put in charge of lunch, she makes banana sandwiches.
  • Covered in Gunge: At the beginning, Puss ends up covered in sauce when the baked bean bowl lands on his head.
  • Delicious Distraction: When a sausage lands near Scruff, he forgets that he's attached to Puss's pulley and runs towards the sausage, lifting Princess up.
  • Does Not Like Spam: Puss clearly hates baked beans, gagging when the Princess tries to serve them to him. This is probably because he is a cat.
  • The Dreaded Pretend Tea-Party: Puss hates the Princess's baked bean tea party. Well, he is a cat, and cats are carnivores.
  • Facepalm: The Chef tries to facepalm when the Princess rejects his castle-shaped dinner for a bowl of beans, but ends up accidentally slapping himself in the face instead. At the end, when the Princess says she wants only bananas, he does it properly.
  • Feed by Example: The King tries to get the Princess to eat her pasta by eating it himself, but eats it all.
  • Fooled by the Sound: The Princess farts in her sleep and she mistakes it for a monster under her bed.
  • Gone Horribly Right: The King and Queen manage to convince the Princess to eat baked beans, but then that's all she wants.
  • Here We Go Again!: The episode ends with Princess claiming she now wants to eat just bananas, prompting a groan from the adults.
  • I Do Not Like Green Eggs and Ham: The Princess thinks she doesn't like baked beans, until she tries one and finds it tastes good.
  • Speak in Unison:
    • When the Princess eats beans at the picnic, the King and Queen sigh, "More beans!" in unison.
    • Towards the end, the King, Maid, Gardener, and Admiral say, "Beans, beans, and more beans!" in unison.
  • Things That Go "Bump" in the Night: When the Princess's stomach growls at night, she thinks it's a monster under her bed.
  • Toilet Humour:
    • In the beginning, the Princess thinks the baked beans "look like rabbit poos".
    • Being a kids' show episode about baked beans, it has the inevitable "beans make you fart" joke.
