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Recap / Little House On The Prairie S 6 E 2 The Family Tree

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Tropes associated with this episode:

  • Berserk Button: A friend of Albert's casually refers to him as a "bastard", immediatly enraging the kid and causing a fight between them.
  • Catapult Nightmare: Albert wakes up from nightmares about his past at the orphanage panting and sweating.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Jerk: Jeremy Quinn had made it clear that he only wanted Albert as a farmhand, but when he gives up on him after being tricked by Albert into thinking his son was blind and unable to help with farmwork, he makes a front about having second thoughts and deciding that Albert would be better off with the Ingalls family. But when Charles questions how he can know that he won't change his mind and try to take Albert away again, Jeremy callously declares that "just like your son, you'll never see me again", mocking Albert's "blindness" and showing that he doesn't care about Albert at all.
  • Obfuscating Disability: When Albert's biological father Jeremy shows up to contest the Ingalls' adoption petition, Albert — lnowing that his biological father has the upper legal hand over his adoptive family — pretends to be blind (which works perfectly, as it's clear that Jeremy only wants Albert as a glorified farmhand).
  • Orphanage of Fear: Albert has flashbacks of his time at the orphanage he ran away from, where he's shown being phyically and emotionally abused by the people in charge, and the people often contest his nature by labeling as a potential deranged child.
  • Trauma Button: When Albert witnesses his friend being spanked by his father, he starts having flashbacks from when the tutors at the orphanage hit him with a stick to teach him discipline.
