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Recap / Leverage S 05 E 03 The First Contact Job

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Tropes stolen in this job:

  • Artistic License – History: Kanack's rant about Edison and Tesla, Darwin and Wallace isn't really on the mark, particularly with respect to Darwin and Wallace. Darwin discovered evolution years before Wallace and then sat on it because he knew it would upset religious conservatives. Wallace discovered it independently and wrote to Darwin to ask about it because he knew Darwin was an expert in the field, prompting Darwin to publish. Wallace always acknowledged Darwin deserved the credit.
  • Dramatically Missing the Point: Nate can't be bothered to listen to the client of the week, brushing past his desire to get back his reputation and instead focuses on getting him money.
  • Empty Piles of Clothing: Eliot invokes a version of this to freak out the mark in by leaving behind only the shoes of three of the man's security team whom he'd knocked out and tied up elsewhere, thus making the mark believe the men had been abducted by aliens.
  • Plato Is a Moron: Kanack when he thinks aliens are responding to him:
    Einstein, Darwin... they’re gonna be the footnotes. They’re gonna name cities after me.
  • Shout-Out:
