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Recap / Law & Order: Special Victims Unit S20E3 "Zero Tolerance"

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Written By Richard Sweren and Celine C Robinson

Directed By Michael Pressman

A nine-year-old girl taken from her mother at the U.S.–Mexico border ends up in a child sex trafficking ring all the way in New York, which quickly gets SVU involved. As SVU tries to reunite the girl with her family within the court system (facing several obstacles from Immigration along the way), Stone decides to ask for help from an old friend. Meanwhile, Rollins decides to give her rocky relationship with Pollack another chance.


  • Bittersweet Ending: Gabriela is rescued from the dystopian detention center at the last moment, but all the other girls watch from their chain-link cages as she goes, with no prospect of salvation. Gabriela's mother (the lack of whom induced Gabriela to run away from foster care and be kidnapped by a pedophile) is likely to be locked up for years before her asylum request will be heard, and that is a 50-50 chance.
  • Bookends: When we first meet Gabriela she is caged by a pedophile. At the end of the episode Gabriela and many girls like her are caged by the US Government, as the episode leans hard into its premise that US immigration policy is unconscionably abusive of children.
  • Call-Back:
    • Rollins tells Benson they must not let another girl out of their protective custody after what happened to Esther in "The Book Of Esther" season 19, episode 20 - the squad was legally compelled to let the titular character's abusive father take her back to the home where she'd been imprisoned, eventually leading to the girl's death via Friendly Fire from Rollins' gun.
    Benson, to Stone: Weren't you the one that told me that the only wars worth fighting for are the ones you can't win? note 
  • Deus ex Machina: Stone gets a friend with political connections (never previously seen in the narrative) to pull Gabriela out of the dystopian detention center at the last minute, without any explanation, so as to avert an unpalatably dark Downer Ending. The improbability of the rescue also throws into sharper relief the plight of girls like Gabriela while averting Darkness-Induced Audience Apathy.
  • Faux Affably Evil: ORR officer Jeff Phelps describes the child detention center he intends to return the terrified Gabriela to as "like summer camp". When we see it later in the episode crowds of prepubescent girls are locked behind chain link caging without their families, sleeping on hard flooring with only thin mats and metallic emergency blankets for bedding.
  • Halfway Plot Switch: The episode starts as a standard underage sex-trafficking plot, complete with Tutuola going undercover to solicit the services of a girl from a pimp's stable of young teenagers. The episode then shifts abruptly to its main theme, the imprisonment of migrant children, as the camera switches from the Fille Fatale American teens to the prepubescent, conservatively-dressed child locked in the cage next to where they are gathering.
  • Hope Spot:
    • The previously near-catatonic Gabriela gradually comes out of her shell and bonds with the pregnant Rollins (inspiring Rollins to choose not to get an abortion) as the squad leaves Gabriela the impression she is safe with them - even though they know they are going to lose in court and Gabriela is going back to the custody of the federal government. Sure enough Gabriela is returned not to her well-meaning foster parents but to a dystopian detention center.
    • Gabriela is ultimately rescued from the detention center - and as she goes, crowds of girls just like her watch from their cages, knowing the rescue is not coming for them.
  • Improbably Female Cast: inside the detention center all the locked-up prepubescent kids are female, presumably to appeal to the Target Audience or to Bookend to the episode's opening scenario.
  • Just Following Orders: Phelps explains that he was merely following policy at the time that he separated Gabriela from her mother's custody at the border and transported her to New York (for which the squad is arresting him for kidnapping).
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Officer Phelps is wrongfully detained by the NYPD on the legal pretext of having wrongfully detained Gabriela on a legal pretext.
  • Oppressive Immigration Enforcement: The episode is all about the Trump Administration's Family Separation policy, with the children of migrants being separated from their families at the border and transported to detention centres. This leads to pre-pubescent Gabriela arriving in New York, circumstances conspiring to lead to her falling into a child sex trafficking ring. The detention centre itself is presented as outright dystopian with dozens of children locked behind chain link caging away from their families, sleeping on concret floors with only thin mats and metallic emergency blankets for bedding. The Office of Refugee Resettlement officer Jeff Phelps overseeing Gabriela is likewise presented as a smug, smarmy man who is utterly apathetic to moral concerns of his actions, dismissing them as simply following the policy at the time.
  • Ripped from the Headlines: The episode takes on the hot-button political issue of family separation at the US-Mexico border.
  • Space Whale Aesop: The press is skeptical of Benson's legal action against the US immigration system until she says that in this case it landed a child in the hands of a pedophile, which changes the tone of their questioning.
  • There Are No Adults: Inside the detention center the girls are caged without their parents or any other supportive adult figures, leaving the impression they are on their own.
  • There Should Be a Law: Benson admits to Stone that she doesn't believe the kidnapping charge she has lodged against Phelps is prosecutable and that she arrested him for purposes of political grandstanding.
Stone: What are you doing?
Benson: I have every media outlet in the city putting this story out there, I was doing it to make a point.
Stone: I don't prosecute cases to make points.
Benson: Well then I will find someone who will!
  • Title Drop: The immigration policy Phelps was implementing when he detained Gabriela is titled and referred to in court as "Zero Tolerance".
  • Token Minority: When the squad debates illegal immigration the anti-immigration side is assigned by the writers to Tutuola, the only non-white person in the conversation, so the debate won't be too unbalanced with everyone else on the other side.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: After the Halfway Plot Switch we never hear again about the teenage girl who was dumped naked at the hospital to start the episode, nor about any of the other teen sex slaves who were the subject of the first part of the episode. We also do not hear from Gabriela's mother again.
  • With This Herring: Benson sends Stone off to fight the fight she's picked with the US immigration system with little more than a Rousing Speech.
