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Recap / Kung Fu Panda: The Paws of Destiny S1E12 "Sacrifice at the Edge of Time"

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Synopsis: The kids are desperate to get back and help their fellow Panda Villagers, and Po decides he must figure out a way to defeat Jindiao before he controls the world.


  • Refusing Paradise: The kids are desperate to go back to the Mortal Realm, but they can't. However, when Po meets them after he skadooshes himself and they save him from the Yaoguai, the original Constellations give the kids their hero chi to restore it.
  • Wham Line:
    • After being told by the original Constellations that they can't go back and there will be another chance in a thousand years.
      Nu Hai: In a thousand years everything we love will be gone!
    • Before the Original Constellations give them their chi, the kids are given one last warning.
      Blue Dragon: If you are defeated here in the Spirit Realm, your journey ends. There is nothing beyond this realm but darkness.
