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Recap / Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger Ep 4

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  • Arm Cannon: The Kraken Minosaur's arms are water pistol-style guns that can fire either sleeping bullets or pressurized water bullets.
  • Creepy Child: The Kraken Minosaur gives off the vibe due to its simplistic speech patterns and the comatose boy in the hospital. This was not the case, however. The host is the boy's father.
  • Giant Squid: This week's Minosaur is themed after a kraken.
  • Monster of the Week: The Kraken Minosaur.
  • Non-Malicious Monster: Surprisingly enough, the Kraken Minosaur doesn't really have any real desire to hurt people and has to be harshly wrangled around by Kleon and Tankjoh. Its guns don't even kill people, just put them to sleep. This is because instead of a selfish inner desire, the Kraken Minosaur is born from the desire of a doctor whose young son is comatose in the hospital who deeply regrets not playing with his son as much as he feels he should have.
  • One-Word Vocabulary: The Kraken Minosaur - Here, here!/Come, come!note 
  • Victim of the Week: Tetsuya Shirota, the host of the Kraken Minosaur.
