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Recap / King Of The Hill S 12 E 15 Behind Closed Doors

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After Dooley goes missing, Peggy does whatever she can to make sure Bobby doesn't do the same. Dale tries to come up with theme songs for the guys.

  • Ambiguous Situation: It's unknown if Dooley truly ran away, or if he simply left for a short while and his note was misunderstood by his parents. Some fans have even proposed that Dooley's parents were in cahoots with Davies by using the situation to promote his book.
  • And Call Him "George": Because of Peggy smothering him, Bobby had a dream where he was a bunny, and Peggy pet him until she broke his neck.
  • Blatant Lies: Bobby lies and says that he stored his phone in his desk at work.
  • The Bus Came Back: The Dooley parents appears for the first time since "To Spank With Love." In the time since they've been gone, Melinda and Peggy have become bitter to each other, because per Peggy, "Melinda's values became too casual on Fridays."
  • Dirty Coward: Stephen Davies smugly shames Peggy onstage for supposedly not being a good mom. But the second Hank threatens him into calling Peggy and saying she's a good mother, his facade crumbles, and he runs for the hills.
  • Hillbilly Moonshiner: Implied. Lucky says that he can make something in bathtub to make people happy.
  • Informed Flaw: According to Peggy's diary, Bobby's eyebrows haven't grown in, and seem "disturbing." Granted, the excerpt came from Peggy.
  • It's All About Me: It's pretty clear that Davies cares more about promoting his book, and taking advantage of a tragedy to do so, rather than helping people.
  • My Beloved Smother: In an effort to make the family closer, Peggy starts to become more and more overwhelming to Hank and Bobby, down to removing of the doors and the shower curtains, buying the family cellphones that can only receive or send calls to her, dressing in her underwear and telling Bobby her embarrassing secrets.
  • Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Peggy doesn't want her family to become distant, or for Bobby to run away. But in her efforts to make the family closer, she ends up making Hank and Bobby distance themselves from her, down to Bobby hiding out at Joseph's house, rather than answering her calls.
  • Shotgun Wedding: Invoked. Peggy says that Melinda married Dooley's father "because she had to."
  • Special Guest: Ed Begley Jr. as Stephens Davies and Tom Petty as Lucky.
  • The Voiceless: Luanne appears briefly eating dinner with the family, but has no dialogue.
