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Recap / Kim Possible A Sitch in Time S 2 E 13

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Ron learns that his family is moving to Norway, separating him from Kim and breaking up Team Possible. They try to carry on by getting separate rides to the mission site, but it doesn't really work out — Ron arrives late the first couple times they try, and without him Kim is far less effective (even with Monique recruited as a substitute partner).

Meanwhile, Drakken, Killigan, and Monkey Fist team up to retrieve the parts of the "Tempus Simia", a monkey idol that, when assembled at the right time and place, is capable of generating time-travel portals.

This episode provides examples of:

  • Breaking the Fellowship: Team Possible is split up.
  • Call-Back: Ron again shows signs of attraction towards Shego.
    Ron: You know, in this light, you’re kinda cute!
  • The Cavalry Arrives Late: In Team Possible's first mission post-split up, Ron arrives at the museum long after the baddies have made their escape. However, this actually allows him to rescue Kim who was trapped in a sarcophagus.
  • Clueless Chick-Magnet: Ron again. A cute blonde Norwegian girl shows interest in him, but he rudely asks her to leave him alone. This time though, he explains he is over blondes.
  • Creator's Culture Carryover: While we don't really see much of Ron's life in Norway, we do get to see the very American style cafeteria at his school, complete with grouchy lunch ladies who serve lamb and cabbage stew. Except in Norway, hot lunch isn't really a thing — it's not even a given that a high school cafeteria will have hot food. For lunch, you generally eat sandwiches, and it's far more common for students to bring their lunches from home. And while lamb and cabbage stew is a genuine Norwegian dish, it's strictly a dinner-type meal and nobody would eat it for lunch.
  • Dismantled MacGuffin: The Tempus Simia
  • Everyone Loves Blondes: Inverted. While he's in Norway, Ron says that he's really tired of the blonde girls.
  • Foreign Queasine: While in Norway, Ron is made to eat lamb and cabbage stew, and meatcakes. He is disgusted by the Norwegian meals.
  • Gratuitous Latin: Kim's Latin vocabulary lessons reveal the meaning of "Tempus Simia" — "Time Monkey".
  • Sand In My Eyes: Towards the end of the episode, Ron tells Kim (via Kimmunicator) that separation has put them too far "out of sync" to work as a team, and that she should go it alone. She reluctantly agrees, and he cries that he's got something in his eyes before signing off.
  • Sdrawkcab Name: Team Possible is split up when Mrs. Stoppable is reassigned to Norway by "Ms. Ogehs".
  • Stealth Insult: Ron’s brief “flirting” with Shego is a very backhanded compliment when one thinks about it. He says she looks “kinda cute”, in a dimly lit location, meaning she usually doesn’t.
  • Surrounded by Idiots: Shego's reaction to a triple dose of supervillain stupidity. “I am stuck with the freak stooges,” she mutters. When she suggests that Drakken, Fist, and Killigan work as a team to put the head on together, they decide not to share.
  • Team Rocket Wins: Despite Kim's attempts, the villains succeed in retrieving the Tempus Simia.
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: The three villains squabble incessantly, even (or perhaps especially) when they should be focusing on their objective. Shego is the only one who stays focused:
    Monkey Fist: Patience. When the idol is near its head, the Tempus Simia will clap.
    Drakken: There's no such thing as mystical monkey power.
    Monkey Fist: You wouldn't know mystical monkey power if you held it in your tiny little hands.
    Killigan: Aye, they are wee small digits.
    (Tempus Simia starts clapping its cymbals together)
    Shego: Uh, guys....
    Drakken: I'll let my wee fingers do the talking, Mr. Skirty Pants!
    Shego: Guys....
    Monkey Fist: Can you two buffoons take this outside?
    Killigan: At 30,000 feet?
    Monkey Fist: Precisely.
    Shego: Guys!
    All Three: What?
    Shego: The monkey clapped.
  • Temporary Substitute: Monique acts as a substitute for Ron while he is in Norway.
  • Title Theme Drop: When saying goodbye to Ron, Kim says that "You can call me and beep me, if you want to reach me".
  • Villain Team-Up: Drakken, Killigan, and Monkey Fist join forces to retrieve the "Tempus Simia". Shego comes along with Drakken, but is treated as hired muscle rather than a full member of the team (not that she really cares what they think — if anything, she is even more contemptuous of the other two than she is of Drakken).
  • Welcome to My World: Kim says this to Monique during a battle after Monique is shocked when one of Duff Killigan's golfballs explodes.
  • Wham Shot: When Kim sees that "Tempus Simia" in her Latin textbook translates to "Time Monkey".
