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Recap / Kids Incorporated S 7 E 8 New Twist

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This episode is the second of three consecutive episodes focusing on Robin and/or Ana. In this case, Robin is the central character entering her school’s tongue-twister contest.

We start off with opener “Can’t Stop”; during which Flip is given materials related to a statewide tongue twister competition. The kids are excited, especially given that Robin is representing her school (Eric mentions his experience in his old town the previous year; managing to win despite his retainer nearly slipping out of his mouth). Eric’s quite fond of that story, given that Kenny estimates hearing it about 527 times.

However, the pressure of representing her school in the tongue-twister contest is beginning to get to Robin; who suggests Eric take over even though the school voted for her to represent their school…which has won every one of these contests; leading us to “Hold On”. Ana then checks on how Robin’s doing preparing for the contest - which Robin attempts to downplay by insisting she’s not worried (“Worried? I’m not worried. I’m a pro.”). Ana is obviously not convinced; and Robin soon drops the act, admitting she’s worried about the possibility she might choke and let her school…to say nothing of herself, down; admitting she’s never been that scared before.

1:00 at the town square arrives; and Robin is preparing to go up next when the little spark (seen as forming the “Incorporated” in the title screen) abruptly transports her to a fantasy land where she somehow summoned the Arthurian wizard Merlin (guest star Larry Wilson); who quickly observes Robin’s gripped by the fear of failure (Merlin: “Perhaps the fear of failure is worse than a fire-breathing dragon.”); setting up “I Can Fly”. However, Merlin has more news; announcing - to Robin’s dread - a trip to another contest.

This trip takes us to Camelot; where we have reached the last two contenders seeking to pull a sword from a stone and thus become the rightful King. First is a rather brash Lord of Woodburynote ; following by a youngster named Arthur (guest star Corey G. Ralston); who quickly flees, with Robin - noticing Merlin has disappeared - chasing after him in an effort to convince him to give it a try (as we see the cocky rival’s attempt fail in the background); pointing out that “the only time you fail is if you don’t try at all” - realizing as she spoke that she needed to take her own advice.

As the others depart; Robin and Arthur return to the stone, but he’s still not ready; leading to “Get On Your Feet”; with Arthur eventually proceeding to pull the sword from the stone, making him King Arthur; with Robin even getting the honor of crowning Arthur as King (note that Merlin has returned by this point). The three are chatting when King Arthur - perhaps wanting his own Guineverenote  - expresses his wish that Robin could stay in Camelot. Robin regretfully declines, as - having learned the episode’s lesson - she’s ready to return to the United States and 1991. Returning to the present day; Robin goes up, announces the title of her tongue twister (“Many Magic Moments”) and eventually keeps the school’s winning streak intact as the winner of that year’s contest. Upon being named the winner; Robin begins her speech when she notices the host looks very much like Merlin. Rather than provide a definite answer; the episode ends with a performance of “Forever Young”.

Songs performed in this episode:

  • “Can’t Stop” (After 7 cover; lead vocals by Kenny)note 
  • “Hold On” (En Vogue cover; lead vocals by Haylie, Ana and Robin)
  • “I Can Fly” (Kids Incorporated original; lead vocals by Robin)
  • “Get On Your Feet” (Gloria Estefan cover; lead vocals by Robin)
  • Forever Young” (Rod Stewart cover; lead vocals by Kenny, Haylie, Eric and Robin)

Tropes associated with this episode:

  • Awesome Moment of Crowning: Robin gets the privilege of officially crowning Arthur as King.
  • Face Your Fears: Two examples:
    • Robin has to overcome her fear of potentially failing in her tongue-twister contest appearance.
    • Arthur has to overcome his fear of not being able to pull the sword out of the stone.
  • Imagine Spot: The majority of the episode takes place in one where Robin is transplanted to the time of (eventual) King Arthur.
  • Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane: Whether the event host was Merlin transplanted to 1991 or simply bore a strong resemblance.
