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Recap / Joe Oriolo Felix The Cat1x 43 Stone Age Felix

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"The master time control! I'll slow it down..."

Stone Age Felix is a 1960 made-for-TV cartoon starring Felix the Cat, distributed by Trans-Lux and directed by Joe Oriolo.

This episode should not be confused with the silent-era Felix short Felix in the Bone Age, which is sometimes renamed to the similar sounding The Stone Age.


  • All Just a Dream: It turns out the entire episode was just a dream Felix was having.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: In the opening, Felix gets fired from his office job and thrown out (as in, thrown out the window near the top of a 12 story building) for being 1 minute late!
  • Gone Horribly Wrong: Felix feels the world is moving too fast for him, so he finds the residence of Father Time (who lives in a local clock shop) and tries to pull a lever on a machine of his to slow down time. Unfortunately, Felix pulls the lever back all the way and breaks it, which causes time to revert all the way back to the stone age. Fortunately, the whole episode turns out to be a dream. Interestingly, it's one of the few episodes where Felix himself drives whats going on—all of the villains and the Magic Bag are completely absent.
  • No Antagonist: This is one of the few episodes in the Joe Oriolo series where Professor and Rock Bottom are absent. Felix himself is the source of the episodes conflict for a change. The dinosaurs and caveman he meets in the past aren't evil either, just naturally carnivorous and ignorant of what Felix really is.
  • Not the Fall That Kills You…: In the opening, Felix is fired from his office job and gets thrown out near the top of a 12 story building—but he lands basically unharmed. Justified, since he's a cat, who are known to be able to survive high falls, and it turned out he was dreaming the whole thing anyway.
  • Stock Animal Diet: In the opening, when Felix is scrambling to get ready for work, his sole breakfast is drinking from a milk bottle.
  • Stock Footage: One scene where Felix encounters a dinosaur is recycled Jim Tyer animation from a previous episode, "Do It Yourself Monster Book".
  • Ring-Ring-CRUNCH!: After Felix wakes up from his nightmare at the end, he silences his alarm clock by throwing his bedside lamp at it.
  • Time Machine: Father Time's clock works as this, and Felix tries to use it to slow time down, but he unwittingly breaks it and ends up sending himself way back in time.
