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Recap / Jackie Chan Adventures S 2 E 37 Shrink Rap

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Hak Foo wants a pair of magic armbands Jackie obtained which is made much more difficult for them when Jade uses a chi spell to shrink them.

Tropes appearing in this episode:

  • A Day in the Limelight: This is the only time Hak Foo appears without any of the other members of the Dark Hand.
  • Bookends: The intro of the episode ends with Hak Foo yelling "I will get you Chan!" as he's send rolling down the hill on a water wheel. The episode ends with Jade shrinking Hak Foo again as the latter yells out the same words he said to Jackie.
  • Dramatic Irony: The majority of the episode has Uncle, Jade, and Tohru unaware that Jade's spell actually shrank Jackie and Hak Foo instead of making them disappear, with Jackie trying to alert everyone to what's happened to him.
  • "Fantastic Voyage" Plot: Jackie and Hak Foo eventually take their fight into Tohru's head.
  • Fun with Homophones: When Jackie and Hak Foo are shrunken down, Jackie sees a shoe coming right behind Hak Foo and tries to warn him about it by shouting “Shoe!”. Hak Foo thinks Jackie is shooing him and feels insulted before he gets knocked down by the shoe in question.
  • Imperfect Ritual: Jade attempted to use a vanishing spell on Hak Foo, only for it to shrink him and Jackie instead. For the majority of the episode, Uncle, Jade, and Tohru unsuccessfully try to undo the spell and bring Jackie back. It isn't until Uncle discovers that two pages in his book were stuck together that he realizes Jade had actually used parts from two separate spells that combined would shrink the target.
  • Incredible Shrinking Man: Happens to both Jackie and Hak Foo for much of the episode.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: Shiva's armbands give the wearer 2 extra arms.
  • Oh, Crap!: Tohru can only hold his head in horror when he finds out that Jackie is in his head just as Uncle casts the counter spell. Fortunately, he sneezes Jackie and Hak Foo out just before they grow back to normal size.
  • Oh, No... Not Again!: Hak Foo's reaction when Jade uses the shrinking spell on him again at the end of the episode.
  • Skewed Priorities: Hak Foo is fixated more on getting the Bands of Shiva from Jackie and destroying him than he is about returning to normal size.
  • Unexplained Recovery: Hak Foo is shrunk again at the end but comes back near the end of the next season for the talisman animals back at normal size and without the extra arms.
  • Your Head A-Splode: This is what would’ve happened to Tohru if Jackie and Hak Foo were still in his head when the counter spell takes effect. Thankfully, he manages to sneeze them out in time.
