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Recap / Jackie Chan Adventures S 1 E 12 The Tiger And The Pussycat

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Jackie and Jade manage to claim the Tiger Talisman, only for it to split in two in Jackie's hand, dividing his Yin and Yang side into two separate Jackie's. When the Dark Hand manages to kidnap Yang Jackie and convince him to steal the remaining talismans for them, Jade and Yin Jackie must find a way to stop them.

Episode Tropes

  • Actually Pretty Funny: Finn and Chow end up having a good laugh with Dark Jackie when they discuss aspects of the fight. The two Enforcers admit it's a shame they're gonna have to kill him.
  • Big Eater: In trying to find which pie contains the Tiger Talisman, Tohru wins a pie eating contest by eating a whopping 47.
  • Big "SHUT UP!": Tohru in response to Jade expressing surprise over Shendu talking.
  • Blood Knight: Yang Jackie loves getting into fights, so much so that Yin Jackie convinces him to help rescue Jade with the promise of fighting more bad guys.
  • Cliffhanger: The episode ends with Valmont successfully placing the last talisman into Shendu's statue, restoring his physical form.
  • Didn't See That Coming: Valmont is rather surprised to see Jackie has been split in two.
  • Establishing Character Moment: For both Yin and Yang Jackie after they are separated by the talisman. Yin Jackie accidentally steps on a bug and cries over it, while Yang Jackie steals and eats some of Jade's candy, all the while rubbing it in her face. This gives us a good idea of what the talisman did to Jackie.
  • "Eureka!" Moment: When Shendu reports neither Jackie has the missing half of the Tiger Talisman, Valmont screams that it has to be somewhere before realizing mid-sentence that Jackie's niece likely has it.
  • Foreshadowing: Tohru gets visibly annoyed in response to Valmont angrily ordering him about and insulting his weight. He later expresses annoyance over always getting the blame for failure. Tohru ultimately pulls a Heel–Face Turn in the next episode in large part due to bad treatment.
  • Internal Reveal: Jackie and Jade finally learn why the Dark Hand is seeking the 12 talismans, something that the viewers have already known.
  • Literal-Minded: When Jade hears that the Tiger Talisman possesses the power of balance, she tries to use it to balance on a stack of books... only to fall off very quickly. The balance in question is actually spiritual, not physical.
  • Literal Split Personality: When the Tiger Talisman splits in two, it separates the holder's good (Yin) and bad (Yang) qualities into two separate bodies. Yin Jackie is overly sensitive and adverse to fighting (but can do so if he has to), while Yang Jackie is obnoxious, eager to fight, doesn't care for Jade's safety, and willing to take a bribe from Valmont (though as Uncle explains, he's not necessarily evil, just all of Jackie's bad personality traits in one body, without any of his good traits to balance it). Reuniting the two halves of the talisman will fuse the two Jackie's back together.
  • Mirror Match: Yin vs. Yang, after the latter tries to hurt Jade.
  • Mirror Routine: After Jackie gets split into two, they each initially think they're looking into a mirror.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Upon seeing Valmont in a struggle with Jade, Dark Jackie kicks him away. This results in the missing Talisman half coming out of Jade's shoe, allowing Valmont to insert it in Shendu and finally letting the demon regain his physical form.
  • Noodle Incident: Just how did the Tiger Talisman get into a pie in the first place?
  • Oh, Crap!: Jade in response to "the statue" talking.
  • One-Liner, Name... One-Liner: As Shendu is about to regain his physical form, Valmont gloats to Jackie:
    Valmont: Game over, Chan. Way over.
  • Other Me Annoys Me: The one thing both Jackies initially agree on is refusing to be reunited, as they find each other to be annoying.
  • Race Against the Clock: Getting badgered for the constant failures, Valmont says they could still eventually retrieve the other 10 talismans somehow from Section 13. Shendu says he needs all of the talismans before the Chinese New Year, saying that is crucial to his plan.
  • Required Secondary Powers: As Shendu explains, the Tiger Talisman is the glue that holds the powers of the other 11 talismans together and prevents Power Incontinence.
  • Riddle for the Ages: How did the Tiger Talisman get into a pie at the beginning of the episode?
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Finn, Chow, and a few mooks in response to the beating they got from Jackie's Yang half.
  • Talk to the Fist: Lampshaded. When the Dark Hand break into Uncle’s shop, Tohru is about to tell Jackie he is coming with them, only for Yang Jackie to drop kick him to the floor. Finn complains that Jackie didn’t even let Tohru finish.
  • Tempting Fate:
    • Jackie had determined that the Tiger Talisman was in a pie that's to be used for a pie-eating contestant. Jade reasons they just have to chow down to find it, saying the only competition is an old man struggling to chew. Cue Tohru stepping up to the table.
    • Upon learning the Tiger Talisman is about balance, Jade scoffs at this and dismisses it as not a real power. It turns out to be the Required Secondary Powers for using all the talismans at once. Also, Valmont manages to trick Jackie's Yang half into retrieving the other talismans, which he does in practically no time.
  • This Is Unforgivable!: Jade denounces Dark Jackie as evil for eating her candy.
  • To Be Continued: Shendu regaining his true form.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Dark Jackie attempts to drop kick Jade for breaking Chow's sunglasses from his face. Light Jackie intervened before he could do some damage to her.
    Light Jackie: It's not nice to drop kick little girls.
  • You Can't Thwart Stage One: Despite the efforts of Jade and both halves of Jackie, Valmont succeeds in placing all of the talismans into Shendu's statue, restoring his physical form.


Video Example(s):


"Game Over, Chan"

In the first half of the first season finale of "Jackie Chan Adventures", the Dark Hand finally gets a hold of all 12 talismans, and use them to free Shendu from his statue form.

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4.92 (13 votes)

Example of:

Main / Cliffhanger

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