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Recap / JAGS 07 E 17 Exculpatory Evidence

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Directed by Harvey S. Leidman

Written by Eric Morris

In the previous episode, Lt. Bud Roberts fell asleep in court as his client, Petty Officer Massucco (Joe Michael Burke) was being badgered by Lt. Singer (Nanci Chambers), the prosecutor. Roberts also failed to track down a crucial witness.

Now in this episode, we find out that Massucco was convicted but Captain Prowdy, the convening authority, incensed by Roberts's incompetence, set the verdict aside. Commander Turner (Scott Lawrence) recommends to Admiral Chegwidden that there should be an Article 32 hearing to determine whether Roberts should be court-martialed for dereliction of duty and culpable inefficiency. Roberts is sent home on administrative leave.

Chegwidden assigns Commander Rabb to defend Roberts, and Turner to prosecute. Turner balks at the assignment, but Chegwidden rejects Turner's suggestion to assign someone else.

Turner calls in Lt. Colonel Sarah MacKenzie as an expert witness. After reviewing the case for twenty minutes, Mac concludes Roberts could and should have done more for his client.

Singer also takes the stand. She testifies that she sent Roberts a list of all potential witnesses. The memorandum included a cover sheet singling out Witness #18, Sandra Conners (Kristen Shaw), as being of particular importance.

Rabb visits Massucco at Patuxent River. Even without Rabb's assurance that the Roberts case won't impact Massucco's, the petty officer seems oddly understanding and willing to help Roberts.

It turns out that Massucco was having an extramarital affair with Sandra Conners, a civilian cashier at the post exchange (PX) where Massucco shopped. Conner would give Massucco a good alibi, except that then his wife would find out about the affair. So Massucco removed the cover page from the witness list Singer sent Roberts.

With his own client sabotaging the case, Roberts can't be held responsible for Massucco's conviction. Thus there's no need for a court-martial, the judge, Colonel Blakely (John De Mita), concludes. Now that Roberts is cleared, Chegwidden tells Roberts that they must resume discussing the progress of his career with a new billet. Roberts forgives Turner, Mac, Singer and even Massucco.

Although Massucco is now fully exonerated in the hit and run, Captain Prowdy will probably throw the book at the petty officer. Potential charges include perjury and obstruction of justice. Roberts wishes Massucco the best but won't represent him legally on anything anymore.

During breaks from court, Rabb and Turner butt into Chegwidden's personal life by trying to fix him up with a woman. Turner asks Congresswoman Bobbi Latham (Anne Marie Johnson), who suggests an architect. But since Latham described Chegwidden only as "tall and distinguished," the architect ignores Chegwidden and strikes up a conversation with Rabb.

The architect is too young for Chegwidden, Rabb asserts. Rabb clumsily sets up a lunch date for Chegwidden and Captain Fryar (Belinda Montgomery) but Chegwidden quickly sees through the ruse. The admiral correctly determines that the architect was also meant as a date for him. In his office, Chegwidden furiously chastizes Rabb and Turner for their "puerile" behavior.

Prof. Meredith Cavanaugh (Isabella Hofmann) comes to visit Mac about a tutoring program for Chloe. But Chegwidden assumes that the professor is Mac's match for him and sends her out. Mac firmly but respectfully explains to Chegwidden that is not the case.

Prof. Cavanaugh comes back the next day and Chegwidden apologizes for his behavior. Mac had mentioned that Cavanaugh is a Shakespeare expert. Chegwidden quotes a line from one of the Bard's plays, and just like that they hit it off. Mac discreetly excuses herself. This could be the start of a great romance and it might even lead to marriage.

Tropes found here are

  • The Alibi: Massucco was having an extramarital affair with Sandra Conners, he was probably in bed with her when the hit and run happened.
  • The Matchmaker: Definitely Rabb and Turner, though they do a poor job of it. Maybe Mac, though we can debate whether she really did or did not mean for Cavanaugh to meet Chegwidden.
  • One of Our Own: Core character Roberts is charged with dereliction of duty and culpable inefficiency.
  • Previously on…: A quick recap of the Massucco case from the previous episode replaces the usual teaser.
  • Shout-Out:
    • To Hello, Dolly!: Chegwidden says the JAG office is not a production of Hello, Dolly! Rabb explains to Turner (at to viewers who might not know) that it's a musical about a matchmaker.
    • To Othello and Titus Andronicus, two plays by William Shakespeare. Chegwidden quotes a line from one, Cavanaugh quotes a line from the other.
  • Silent Scapegoat: Massucco deliberately hid evidence of his affair with a store cashier, in order to save his troubled marriage. His sleeping with the cashier was his alibi for the hit and run.
  • TV Telephone Etiquette: On the road, Rabb calls Roberts at home to tell him about Massucco. Roberts gives thanks to Rabb but doesn't say "bye" or anything like that before hanging up.
