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Recap / Invader Zim S 1 E 2 Bestest Friend

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Worried that his lack of social activity might expose his alien nature, Zim conspires to get a new partner to better blend in. The chosen candidate, Keef, however, doesn't quite know when to cut it out...

Bestest Tropes

  • Cannot Keep a Secret: All it takes for GIR to reveal Keef's surprise party to Zim is for Zim to not believe him when he says he's not doing anything after bringing home party decorations.
  • Creepy Circus Music: Plays during Zim's second Imagine Spot. For added silliness, he imagines the humans actually turning his house into a carnival, complete with a roller coaster.
  • Eye Scream: This is the episode with "that" scene: Zim gives Keef a present... which turns out to be a device with robotic hands that rips out his eyeballs and replaces them with cyborg ones that trick him into thinking a squirrel is Zim.
  • Faux Horrific: When one of the kids is about to show the others something 'neat', one of them shrieks and runs away.
  • Good-Times Montage: After Zim announces that Keef is his best friend, we're treated to a montage of the two of them doing various activities together, such as playing tetherball and doing arts and crafts, while overly-chipper music plays.
  • I Just Want to Have Friends: Inverted. Zim only wants to have friends so the humans won't be as suspicious of him. Once he feels that he's met the minimum requirement of social interaction, he rejects Keef.
  • Loners Are Freaks: At least according to the kids at skool, leading to Zim befriending Keef to keep up his facade.
  • Not-So-Harmless Villain: Though only the second episode, it's still the first to show that, despite his incompetence, Zim can do genuine harm if and when he wants to.
  • Shadow Discretion Shot: Keef getting his eyeballs ripped out is only seen in a shadow cast on the wall next to him.
  • They Would Cut You Up: When Zim overhears a girl talking about not having any friends isn't human, he becomes terrified that human scientists will catch him and dissect him.
  • The Thing That Would Not Leave: Keef doesn't take the hint that Zim doesn't want to be friends with him any more. When he comes back to his house in the last act, he even announces "I'm home!"
  • Title Drop: When Zim gives him his clutch, Keef replies, joyously, "Oh, you are my bestest friend! Thank you, Zim!"
  • Torches and Pitchforks: Zim's Imagine Spot of Keef bringing tons of people to his house as them wielding torches, with the scientist from his earlier imagine spot carrying a pitchfork (complete with a cow mooing in the background for comic effect).
