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Recap / Infinity Train: Blossoming Trail: The Fog Car Pt5

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Things are grim in the Fog Car, but it's Ash Ketchum to the rescue! Or is it...

Tropes in this chapter include:

  • Big Stupid Doo Doo Head: Hop's letter to Ash that Amelia reads to Alain to try and knock him out of his Ash-worship kicks off by calling "Ass Kissem" a big meanie Poopyhead.
  • Cessation of Existence: Since Saint Ash is just a figment of Alain's dream, as soon as he wakes up, Saint Ash stops existing.
  • Chewbacca Defense: Parodied. Hop pleads insanity defense once Amelia's done reading his letter to Alain.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Yet again, we're shown how terrible Henry and Walter are when Chloe winces at the torture she sees Paul go through when she looks through his memories.
  • Flaw Exploitation:
    • Chloe exploits Simon's stubbornness and refusal to be caged to trick him into attempting to leave the Car, and her alone.
    • Walter hopes for this Saint Ash brings Chloe's issues with the real Ash surging back to the surface, nearly causing her to become Lady Destiny in a fit of pique over having her chance at redemption stolen from her. Luckily, Chloe calms down before it becomes a threat.
  • Freak Out: Alain starts screaming in panic when Hop places the Honor of Kalos medal on him.
  • Glad I Thought of It: Chloe remarks that tricking Simon into leaving to destroy the locks was a good idea "of Lexi". Grace is understandably miffed, but doesn't make any protests.
  • I Am a Monster: Paul admits that he is a monster, but then he adds that he's not Walter's monster before freezing him.
  • Internal Reveal: Hazel learns the truth about herself. However Amelia adds that this doesn't change who she truly is.
  • Messianic Archetype: "Saint Ash" in a nutshell, being a manifestation of Alain's view of Ash.
  • More Hero than Thou: Chloe nearly has a fit of this when Saint Ash shows up to 'steal her destiny', but manages to stop herself when she realizes how childish and selfish it sounds.
  • Must Make Amends: Deconstructed; Chloe's belief that saving Hop, Alain and Paul is the best way for her to atone nearly triggers her own ascension at the thought of "Saint Ash" saving the day instead.
  • Nothing Is Scarier: We're not shown all of Paul's memories when Chloe uses her cloak on him, and given her reaction, this might be for the better.
  • No Sympathy: Despite knowing that Paul was tortured into becoming Despair, Chloe initially focuses on the depths of his past Jerkassery. Seeing his memories helps change her tone, however.
  • Once Done, Never Forgotten: Deconstructed; Chloe is quick to remind Paul on how he was an abusive jerkass to his Chimchar and points out that this entire situation is just plain karma for being a cold jerkwad in general. Saint Ash states that yes, that was mean, and yes, he should've been punished for it back then...but is that enough justification for Paul to be tortured, broken beyond repair and never being able to go home to be with this brother again?
  • Purity Sue: Invoked with "Saint Ash", natch. It deeply irritates Chloe on a profound level, as she worries he's about to become a one-man Spotlight-Stealing Squad.
  • Red Herring: The preview made it seem like Saint Ash would be another enemy that Chloe would have to face, but he eventually turns out to be an ally who helps her get through Paul until Alain wakes up.
  • The Reveal: Why was Alex holding onto the Honor of Kalos medal? Turns out that when Alain gave it to him, Henry sealed is soul inside, which is why Alain is so completely out of it.
  • Rule of Symbolism: Amelia wipes off the Apex mark on Hazel's face, to represent that she's not like those cultists. Moreover, she's doing this with her turtle handkerchief, since turtles are an animal associated with Amelia, showcasing how she truly cares for the girl.
  • Soul Jar: Alain's soul was sealed in the Honor of Kalos medal Alex was carrying on him.
  • Trapped in Another World: All but stated by Paul, once he realizes his number has reached five digits.
  • The Unfought: Destruction and Saint Ash: the former because he's tricked into attempting to leave, and the latter because he chooses to help Chloe rather than fight.
  • Unreliable Narrator: When Hop questions if Alain honestly worships Ash, Amelia suggests that a good chunk of his attitude is due to the brainwashing crossing wires in his head, much like how Hop combined Ash with a run-of-the-mill jerk to create a devil.
  • Verbal Backspace: Chloe has to stop herself from snapping that saving the Trainers is her destiny when Saint Ash comes along, especially since she could've easily become Lady Destiny if she didn't snap out of it.
  • You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me!:
    • Chloe's reaction to seeing "Saint" Ash.
    • Amelia's reaction to the annoying locks she faces.
