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Recap / Homestar Where The Crap Are We

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Airdate: 2003 or 2004
In a cartoon originally included as an Easter egg in Macromedia Central (Precursor to Adobe AIR), Strong Bad and Homestar find themselves in a mysterious blue space.


  • Overly Long Scream: Strong Bad screams for several seconds straight on coming to the conclusion that he's in his personal Hell.
  • Phoney Call: In an Easter egg at the end, Homestar uses the Twinkie to play at being a superhero called into action by "Senator Pencilface".
  • This Isn't Heaven: Homestar assumes they must be dead and in heaven. On realizing he's stuck in "blue-fadey land" with someone he can't stand, Strong Bad says "This isn't heaven..." and freaks out as the background changes to a fiery red.
