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Recap / Hell Girl S 2 E 16 Aspiring Femme Fatale

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A girl named Ran Henmi tries to send a man named Osamu Tejima to hell, because he was pretending to be in a relationship with Ran, but ended up using Ran to betray her boss, and then broke up with her. But while trying to execute this plan, Ran meets Matsu who said she had a better plan. Ran disguised herself and seduced Tejima, and the two women stole all of his money. In reaction to this pressure, Tejima commits suicide.

Disturbed, Ran tries to back out, but eventually finds out that Matsu had been using her. But before she could do anything to take actions against her, she is fatally injured by Matsu. Ran's dying act is to send her to Hell. While being sent to Hell, Matsu is confronted by the ghosts of all her previous victims before being sent to Hell. Even on the way to Hell, she tries to bribe Ai into releasing her, to no avail. Through the course of this episode, Hone Onna befriends Ran, and even helps her contact Hell Correspondence and stays with her during her final moments.

This episode contains examples of:

  • Absurdly Long Stairway: Matsu finds herself on one at the beginning of the Hell banishment. She falls most of the way down, but lands unharmed. Her victims are waiting for her at the bottom.
  • Bait-and-Switch: When Hone Onna returns to Ai and co, she believes it is because Ran no longer has a grudge against Tejima. Wanyuudo and Ren reveal that Tejima committed suicide.
  • Dies Wide Open: When Hone Onna returns back to Ran's apartment, she removes Ran's glasses and closes her eyes.
  • Commonality Connection: Hone Onna finds a connection with Ran due to their past of being used.
  • Femme Fatale: Subverted with Ran. Played horrifically straight with Matsu.
  • Forgot About His Powers: In other episodes, it's been shown that Ai and her crew can teleport anywhere at any time, which helps them investigate their clients. However, when Hone Onna needs to warn Ran, she physically runs to her location instead.
  • The Glasses Gotta Go: Ran is portrayed as being much more attractive without glasses and a little makeup.
  • Head-Turning Beauty: Ran becomes this after her makeover.
  • Nice Girl: Ran's motivations always focus on others. Deconstructed as Tejima and Matsu took advantage of that.
  • No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Ran wants to turn herself in and promises Matsu that she is not going to tell Matsu's involvement. Matsu does not believe her and fatally wounds her.
  • Staircase Tumble: Matsu trips and falls down a VERY long flight of stairs while Ren and Wanyuudo chase her with swords.
  • Surprise Slide Staircase: Inverted. The slope Matsu is standing on when she runs into Ai turns into a much steeper staircase.
  • Taking You with Me: Ran's last act is to pull the thread, sending her and Matsu straight to Hell.
  • Tranquil Fury: Hone Onna sounds noticeably angry when telling Matsu that Hell is the perfect place for a demon like her.
