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Recap / Half Life Endgame

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Gordon is teleported before the mysterious G-man, a human-looking being in a sharp blue suit that had been watching over Gordon's actions all throughout the game. As the two of them teleport around areas of Earth and Xen, the G-man greets Gordon, points out that he relieved Gordon of all his weapons given that they were mostly government property, and that thanks to Gordon's actions, the employers the G-man works for have now taken control of the world of Xen for the time being.

G-man continues by stating that the reason he's now before Gordon is because he was impressed enough to offer Gordon's services to said employers, which they agreed that Gordon has shown limitless potential, and should be offered a job. The last teleportation leaves Gordon and G-man within a Black Mesa tram traveling through space. G-man activates a teleporter at the tram door, and asks Gordon to go through it, and will take this as a "yes" to the job offer. Should Gordon choose "no," the G-man will teleport the unarmed Gordon to an area of Xen where he will be killed by an army of Alien Grunts. Given how the story plays out in future games, it's a given that Gordon chose "yes" by stepping through the tram door portal. The G-man congratulates Gordon for the choice, and states that he will see Mr. Freeman again at a later time.

The game leaves off with a final message stating that Gordon's been hired, and is now awaiting his next assignment.

This Chapter contains examples of:

  • Downer Ending: Gordon is either forced against his will to be hired by a mysterious group of employers that will keep him stored away until his services are needed, or he's killed off to a group of Alien Grunts if he refuses the job offer. In canon, Gordon chooses the former.
  • Multiple Endings: Technically, there's two endings. However, Gordon being hired by the G-man's employers is the canon ending rather than being killed off by Alien Grunts.



