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Recap / HTF - Keepin' it Reel

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"A picture is worth a thousand words!"

Airdate: June 8, 2003

"Keepin' it Reel" is the seventeenth episode of the second (internet) season of Happy Tree Friends.

Flippy takes a seat at a movie theater. Mime is "eating" loudly nearby, bothering him. Meanwhile, Lumpy walks into the theater with a lot of snacks. This causes him to accidentally bump into the projector. The theater screen begins to flash, triggering Flippy's PTSD. Mime, who is now "drinking" (also loudly), ends up as his first victim as the deer ends up being ripped apart by the seat. Petunia is next as her head is shoved into the popcorn machine, where it is heated to produce popcorn-sized pieces of her brain. After that, Fliqpy chases Flaky. Between flashes, the whole ordeal goes from Cuddles noticing Fliqpy's attack, to getting clubbed by Flaky's body, to finally being left as a corpse alongside the decapitated Flaky. A scared Toothy backs up near the projector, not knowing that Fliqpy is behind it. The poor beaver ends up having his head impaled by said projector thanks to Fliqpy, with one of his eyes stuck on the lens, giving the audience a view of Toothy's eye as it burns away. Lumpy boos at the "movie", not knowing that he is the next victim of Fliqpy.

"Keepin' it Reel" provides examples of:

  • All Part of the Show: Implied. Lumpy seems to think Fliqpy killing innocent people in cold blood is just part of the show; he doesn't try to escape nor does he show fear about the fact he's in the same room with a serial killer. This short also occurs in a movie theater.
  • Ambidextrous Sprite: Flippy's beret's crest and Lumpy's antlers.
  • Caption Humor: One of the episodes with a BlurB! version.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: All caused by Fliqpy, of course.
    • Mime gets ripped apart by a theater seat.
    • Petunia's head bursts from heat, turning her brain into popcorn.
    • Cuddles gets clubbed by Flaky's quills.
    • Flaky ends up being decapitated.
    • Toothy suffers from brain damage after having his head impaled by a projector.
  • Enemy Rising Behind: Fliqpy does this quite often in this episode.
  • Everyone Hates Mimes: Mimes and movie theaters apparently do not go well together according to the BlurB!.
    Mimes cost the theater companies millions of dollars in lost revenue due to sneaking in snacks.
    They're impossible to stop.
  • Eye Scream: Toothy's eye, meet projector.
  • Faceless Masses: The featureless bear-like audience in the theater.
  • Grievous Harm with a Body: Fliqpy uses Flaky's body as a spiky club to kill Cuddles.
  • Killed Offscreen: After the Iris Out, a Sickening "Crunch!" is heard, indicating that Lumpy is killed.
  • Movie-Theater Episode: The episode takes place at a movie theater.
  • Neck Snap: It can be assumed that this is what Fliqpy did to Lumpy after the Iris Out.
  • Nothing Is Scarier: Lumpy's death, as it happens after the Iris Out, is left up to the viewer's imagination.
  • Off with His Head!: Flaky's fate.
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: One of the very few times Fliqpy ever kills Lumpy, and it happens offscreen.
  • Pun-Based Title: "Keepin' it real"
  • Recycled Animation: After Mime gets ripped apart, the animation of his head dropping down is reused from "Out of Sight, Out of Mime", red nose and all.
  • Recycled Soundtrack: The music at the beginning of the episode is reused from "Crazy Ant-ics", "Tongue Twister Trouble", and "The Way You Make Me Wheel".
  • Show Within a Show: The movie playing in this episode is Buddhist Monkey's "Enter the Garden". Keep in mind that at the time, said short in its entirety could only be watched as a Bonus Episode on the Second Serving DVD released about four months later.
  • Sickening "Crunch!": Heard after the Iris Out, indicating that Fliqpy has killed Lumpy.
  • Stop Motion Lighting: The flickering film projector causes this to happen in the scene where Fliqpy kills Cuddles and Flaky. First, we see Fliqpy chasing Flaky. Second, Fliqpy catches up to her and strangles her as Cuddles looks on in horror. Third, Fliqpy uses Flaky's body as a spiked club to bludgeon Cuddles to death. Finally, we get a shot of Cuddles' and Flaky's corpses, Flaky having been decapitated.
  • They Killed Kenny Again: Toothy, Lumpy, Cuddles, Flaky, Mime, and Petunia die.
  • Updated Re-release: One of the early episodes to be part of the "Classics Remastered" releases, which rerelease early HTF episodes in HD.
