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Recap / Grimm S 6 E 5 The Seven Year Itch

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Eve's art project might be important.

When something itches my dear sir, the natural tendency is to scratch.

Nick and Hank join Wu to investigate a bizarre murder in a local park while Capt. Renard continues to deal with a ghost from his past.

At the loft, Adalind finds a weakened Eve in the tunnels and mysterious drawings scrawled on the walls.

Meanwhile, Monroe and Rosalee visit the doctor to see if Diana's premonition is true.

This episode provides examples of:

  • Addictive Magic: The stick is still preying on Nick's mind as he relives his shooting and is plagued by the feeling that he should carry the stick.
  • Agent Scully: Played for Laughs when Nick and Hank discuss the Victim of the Week, who was found murdered and naked in a local park.
    Nick: Might've been some sadistic sexual encounter gone bad.
    Hank: Really?
    Nick: No. It's Wesen.
  • Buried Alive: William Stillman, Portland founder and immortal Ataktos Fuse, lives for one day every seven years, at the end of which he buries himself for another dormant period.
  • Call-Back:
    • Nick has nightmares about being shot in "The Beginning of the End, Part II".
    • After Diana's tip-off that Rosalee is pregnant with more than one child, she and Monroe learn from their scan that it's triplets.
  • Damsel out of Distress: Mandy, Stillman's choice of meal for his next dormant period. The gang arrive in time to save her, but as they're fighting Stillman she wakes up and decisively ends the fight by biting Stillman's head off. Turns out she's a Taweret, a hippo-type Wesen.
    Mandy: What's a girl gotta do to find the right guy in this town?
  • Fanservice: Renard has to strip off before using the Aspirateur d'Espirits to try and rid himself of Meisner. The door is transparent, but with a crossbar at groin level.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: The Ataktos Fuse buries himself with food in the form of a heavyset woman.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Stillman kills people by jabbing his very long, sharp armoured figure through their throat and out the other side.
  • Mugged for Disguise: A fatal version, with the Victim of the Week being killed for his clothes to replace Stillman's own, which are worse for wear after being buried for seven years.
  • Sanity Slippage: Meisner's haunting of Renard continues, driving him to try something called an Aspirateur d'Espirits to get some peace. The device doesn't work, seemingly giving Meisner a chance to get some Demonic Possession in.
    Meisner: A mind is a terrible thing to lose.
  • Shout-Out: The episode title and the opening quote are both from The Seven Year Itch.
