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Recap / Green Eggs And Ham 2019 S 1 E 3 Train

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After losing their car, Sam and Guy hop a train to Meepville, where they make two new friends.

"Train" contains examples of:

  • Actor Allusion: In a sense; Michellee tells Guy there's something "dangerous" about him, and she means it in a good way. Megyn Kelly said the same thing about Michael Douglas in an interview with him.
  • …And That Little Girl Was Me: Averted. Sam thinks that Guy's story about "Rash Girl" to scare E.B. out of eating green eggs and ham is about himself, but it obviously isn't.
  • Bait-and-Switch: While on the train, a lethargic-looking Michellee leads E.B. to the Bar Car. No, not that kind of bar, but monkey bars. It's an indoor playground (and of course E.B. isn't allowed to stay there either).
  • Bedmate Reveal: The morning after the night on the train, a still-asleep Guy cuddles Mr. Jenkins thinking he's Michellee, only to be rudely awakened by Mr. Jenkins licking him.
  • Black Comedy: Everyone jumps out of the car before it plummets off a cliff into a lake, meaning everyone is safe... except the family of fish who's house is inconveniently right below where the car lands. They're later seen, swathed in blankets, describing the incident to the police.
  • Bread, Eggs, Breaded Eggs: Snerz's cronies all had their own collections of rare animals which they gave away; one gave her's away in a cardboard box, another in a gold box and another in a limo with a driver, both gold.
  • Busby Berkeley Number: Guy encounters one in the Bathing Car.
  • Cool Train: In true Dr. Seuss fashion, the episode's titular train not only had a cool 1940s-style design but the track it's on is more like that of a rollercoaster, with steep drops, dangerous angles and loops.
  • The Elevator from Ipanema: Muzak plays in Guy and Sam's cabin as Guy practices paint watching.
  • Exact Words
    • Sam shrugs off plunging their car into a lake (and takes credit for saving Guy's life) because he wasn't actually behind the wheel at the time, having jumped out before it was too late. When Guy asks why he plunged his car into a lake, Sam reminds him that it's not his car, it's the BADGUYS.
    • When the two board the train, Sam assures Guy that they aren't sitting next to each other. Cut to them sitting across from one another.
  • Failed a Spot Check: Gluntz has to yell over the passing train (the same one their targets are on) to ask a witness if there are any modes of transportation nearby.
  • Foreshadowing: While walking back to their cabins together, Michellee can be heard telling Guy about taking E.B. to the Bland Canyon (which they're seen driving away from in "Dark") and The World's Smallest Thermometer (as she does in "Box").
  • Hartman Hips: Snerz's female crony has these.
  • Letting Her Hair Down: A willing example. E.B. undoes her long, tightly-bound pony tail, letting it flow in the wind, while riding on top of the train.
  • Like an Old Married Couple: At least that's how Sam interprets his relationship with Guy by this point.
    Guy: There is no "we"!
    Sam: (chuckling) This is so "us."
  • Mind Screw: One of the train cars has an exact miniature replica of the train - including miniature passengers that move like the actual passengers do, real-time.
  • Puppy-Dog Eyes: Sam puts these on when trying to convince guy to let him let the chickeraffe out of the suitcase on the train.
  • Scare 'Em Straight: Guy attempts to scare E.B. out of the prospect of trying new things by suggesting that not only might she not enjoy green eggs and ham, she may be allergic to them and break out in such a bad rash that she'll soon be known as "rash girl."
  • Scenery Porn: The starry night sky that Sam and E.B. admire from on top of the train.
  • Shadow of Impending Doom: The car just before it lands on the fish family's house.
  • Ship Tease: This is the first episode to lay the seeds of Guy and Michellee's relationship. They have a real conversation in the quiet car and even flirt a little, but they're both too afraid of getting hurt at this point to pursue any further.
  • Shout-Out
  • Smash to Black: Gluntz calls out the trope at the end of the episode.
  • Standard Snippet: Snerz's Idle Rich cronies enter to a snippet of The O'Jay's "For The Love Of Money."
  • Tempting Fate: Sam reassures Guy that nobody got hurt by the car plunging into the lake... except the happy family of fish who's house it landed on.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Sandwich: Sam sends the BADGUYS' car into a lake with McWinkle's "Last Job Special" still in it. A rescue worker recovers it, soggy and destroyed, alongside their car.
