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Recap / Green Eggs And Ham 2019 S 1 E 13 Anywhere

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Sam prepares to send Mr. Jenkins home, but the bad guys (and the BADGUYS) won't go down without a fight. Meanwhile, Guy still feels bad about what he said to Sam and does something extraordinary to make it up to him.

Tropes appearing in "Anywhere":

  • And the Adventure Continues: In the final scene, it looks as though Sam and Guy are ready to put the whole adventure behind them and just enjoy a simple meal together... but wait! Sam recognizes the taste of these particular green eggs as the kind his mother made for him! After learning that the eggs came from East Flurbia, he bolts out the door to get there as soon as possible.
  • Arc Words: "One last job." Sam using this phrase in it's more traditional context is what convinces McWinkle to let him set Mr. Jenkins free.
  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: Guy's newspaper lists the crimes Snerz is accused of. Amongst them is "wearing white after Labor Day" and saying "Do you know who I am?" unironically.
  • Back for the Finale: Michael the fox, Sandra the hen and Terrance the pig from "Fox," as well as the mouse and his family from "Mouse," have a cameo in the airport.
  • Bad People Abuse Animals: Michellee, under the impression that Guy is the one who sold Mr. Jenkins to Snerz, finally gives up on giving Guy any more chances not only because she thinks he lied to her yet again but because animal trafficking is going too far.
  • Bait-and-Switch
    • One literal example. It looks as though Sam has officially sold Mr. Jenkins to Snerz, but it turns out he painted a girooster to look like a chickeraffe so he could abscond with Mr. Jenkins and send him home.
    • After Sam pleads his case to allow him to set Mr. Jenkins free, McWinkle replies, "Well, Sam-I-Am, I've got three words for you." No, it's not "You're under arrest," but rather "Start the balloon."
  • Big Damn Heroes:
    • Guy saves Mr. Jenkins from the Goat by using his explosive self-flyer invention.
    • Michael the fox and the mouse were originally going to join the final showdown by saving Guy and Mr. Jenkins from Snerz. But that scene was deleted.
  • Big Damn Kiss: Michellee plants one on Guy after he saves Mr. Jenkins from The Goat.
  • Black Comedy
    • Snerz's gala, continuing from the previous episode. A "People We've Lost" slideshow depicts not people who've died but who've been fired or forced into retirement, complete with unflattering footage of them sobbing. When one employee present recognizes himself, he gets sent down a trap door.
    • How does Snerz's Yes-Man plan to keep the Not!Chickeraffe in place after it's broken free of it's chains? By chasing after it with a giant stapler with obvious intentions.
  • Body Paint: Just when it seems as if Sam had sold Mr. Jenkins to Snerz, E.B. finds out that Sam had really given Snerz a girooster painted to resemble a chickeraffe when she tries to set it free, as the paint on it isn't quite dry. She convinces Michellee to spill her beans to prove this to her and Guy.
  • Bond One-Liner
    • "This is for your own safety."
    • And later, "Guess we'll find out, amigo."
  • Break the Cutie: E.B. breaks down in tears when she witnessed Sam seemingly giving Mr. Jenkins to Snerz, as well as him claiming that the people he traveled with, herself included, are disposable to him. She got better when she found out Sam gave Snerz a girooster instead.
  • Call-Back: E.B. realizes that Sam gave Snerz a girooster painted to resemble a chickeraffe when Not!Mr. Jenkins tries to go after Michellee's beans, which is said to be a girooser's favorite food in "Rain."
  • The Cat Came Back: The Goat manages to sneak onto Mr. Jenkins' cold air balloon in one last effort to steal him.
  • Character Development
    • After spending the entire series being disgusted by the mere thought of green eggs and ham and turning down Sam's every offer for it, Guy finally eats them by choice to prove how much Sam's friendship means to him.
    • Michellee still uses the magnetic friendship bracelets to tether E.B. to her to keep her safe, but this time it's to help her through danger rather than to keep her out of it.
  • Chekhov's Gun
    • The giroosters' resemblance to a chickeraffe comes in handy when Sam swaps one painted to resemble a chickeraffe to keep Mr. Jenkins from Snerz.
    • Michellee spills her massive jar of beans that she counts throughout the entire series to create a distraction when the BADGUYS corner them, sending the girooster barreling after them.
    • Michellee and E.B.'s magnetic friendship bracelets end up working as both a different kind of safety tether (to keep both of them safe while riding on top of a cold air balloon rather than to keep E.B. out of danger) and, later, as means of trapping Snerz by locking his wrist to a flagpole.
    • Guy uses his defective flying contraption in the climax to catch up to The Goat, then straps it to his back to send him flying off... and blow him up.
  • Comically Missing the Point: When the BADGUYS corner Snerz and Guy, and Gluntz starts listing all of their charges.
    McWinkle: You dont have to read every charge.
    Gluntz: You're right. I can sing them! (Proceeds to do just that in a hammy operatic soprano)
  • Disney Villain Death: The Goat falls from a great height after Guy's self-flyer invention that Guy goads him into using explodes.
  • The Dog Bites Back: The flurz which Snerz wears on his head as a wig is seen among the paparazzi taking photos of his humiliating defeat. A blurb in Guy's newspaper during the epilogue reveals that it was later named the successor in Snerz's company.
  • Dramatic Drop: Just as Guy and Sam dine on Green Eggs and Ham at the end, Sam drops his fork in alarm because the eggs taste like the ones his mother used to make.
  • Et Tu, Brute?: Like Guy, EB feels betrayed when she saw Sam selling Mr. Jenkins to Snerz, as well as him claiming Guy, her mother, and herself were just patsies to his scheme. Fortunately, they both find out the truth shortly after.
  • Freeze-Frame Bonus
    • When Guy says he would eat green eggs and ham "in a house," he stands next to a poster informing patrons that the food court's eggs come from Ma's Farmhouse in East Flurbia. Fridge Brilliance is in play. Why doesn't Sam recognize it? He never tasted the eggs in the Cold Airport.
    • Guy's newspaper in the epilogue has blurbs about how Snerz's downfall following his disastrous gala and another about McWinkle retiring from BADGUYS.
  • Funny Background Event
    • As Guy, Michellee and E.B. hatch a plan to create a distraction and flee the scene, Gluntz can be heard continuing to sing their criminal charges.
    • The halls of Snerz's building are lined with the same portrait of him over and over on the wall.
  • Gun Nut: Gluntz unloads quite a lot of net guns before going through the metal detector at the airport
  • Ironic Echo: When she first puts the magnetic friendship bracelet on her, Michellee tells E.B. it's for her own safety. E.B. then turns it into a Bond One-Liner when the two of them use it to dispose of Snerz, who nearly kills all of them by hanging off the side of a balloon and dragging them down towards a giant fan.
  • Karma Houdini: While he eventually does the right thing, Sam does still get away with kidnapping Mr. Jenkins from the zoo in the first place. It's implied that doing what's ultimately in Mr. Jenkins' best interests appealed to McWinkle's better nature, convincing him to let Sam slide and take the rap for him from his boss.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: Just as Mr. Jenkins' balloon sets off, Snerz's personal orchestra shows up to play a squealing electric guitar solo, The Goat's leitmotif. They were using it to tell the heroes that The Goat is on the balloon.
  • Love Confession:
    • It's briefly played for comedy when E.B. tells her mother to "spill the beans" before Agent Gluntz stops singing the criminal charges the gang racked up.
      Michellee: I... do like you... a lot.
      E.B.: I meant, [points at the bean jar] spill the beans.
      Michellee: Oh! Oh, I thought you were using it as an expression. Oh, great. Yeah. Now that I said that, I don't even—
      Guy: I'm glad you did.
      [cue Longing Look]
    • And then it's played for real.
      Michellee: Guy-Am-I, you are a reckless, dangerous man... [plants a Big Damn Kiss on him] ...and I love it!
  • Literal Metaphor: "Spill the beans!" Specifically, Michellee's massive jar of beans, which she dumps onto the BADGUYS to lure the girooster towards them, creating a distraction.
  • Not What It Looks Like: Guy, once again, ends up getting blamed by Michellee for Sam's crime when she sees him burst into the back stage of Snerz's gala where his menagerie is, assuming that he's the one who sold Mr. Jenkins to Snerz.
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: The Goat breaks out of the BADMEN headquarters offscreen.
  • Oh, Crap!
    • Snerz has a string of these in a row, starting with the BADGUYS air-dropping into the back of the theater to arrest him, followed by his animal collection being exposed to the audience in his gala and realizing Sam duped him by giving him a painted girooster instead of a chickeraffe.
    • The protagonists when they find out the Goat hijacked the balloon Mr. Jenkins is on.
    Sam: The goat's on the balloon!
    Goat: I'm on the balloon!
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business
    • Once in Snerz's possession, the normally friendly Mr. Jenkins starts behaving oddly, sporting a wall-eyed look and kicking E.B. off when she tries to rescue him. It turns out that that's not Mr. Jenkins, just a random girooster Sam painted chickeraffe colors.
    • For most of the series and throughout their many ups and downs, Sam is nothing but forgiving of Guy, always ready to take him back when he tries to deflect. So when he refuses to accept Guy's apology for saying that his mother abandoned him for a good reason, you know it hurt.
  • Overly Long Gag: Gluntz's overly long list/song of Guy's criminal charges can be heard going on for quite some time in the background.
  • Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right!: Because Sam is ultimately doing what's best for Mr. Jenkins by sending him back to his habitat, McWinkle decides not to turn him in, even if it means breaking his perfect record. Averted with Sam, who's willing to turn himself in as long as McWinkle lets him set Mr. Jenkins free.
  • Screw This, I'm Out of Here!: Snerz's cronies quietly excuse themselves when the BADGUYS airdrop in to arrest him and everyone else present.
  • Sequel Hook: Sam recalls the taste of the eggs he eats in the diner is similar to the one's his mother used to make for him. He and Guy do not end up finding his mother in the kitchen, but the chef tells them where he gets the eggs; East Flubria.
    Sam: ...That must be where my mother is!
    Guy: East Flubria?! But that's halfway around the world-!
    * door slams open, as Sam rushes out with their briefcases*
    Sam: That's why we should get going!
    * Guy sighs with a knowing smirk*
  • The End... Or Is It?:
    • Sam and Guy finally get Mr. Jenkins on the balloon for his natural habitat. The end? Nope, the Goat hijacks the balloon and ties up Mr. Jenkins.
    • After sending Mr. Jenkins home, we see Sam and Guy, now best friends, eating green eggs and ham at a local diner. The end? Nope, Sam realizes the eggs taste like his mother's, and he and Guy go off on another adventure to find her. Even the narrator says the trope name verbatim during this scene.
  • Wham Line: After Guy takes his first (and, more importantly, voluntarily) bite of the title dish:
    "Say...I like green eggs and ham! I do! I like them, Sam-I-Am!"
