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Recap / Gotham S1 E18 "Everyone Has a Cobblepot"

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Directed by Bill Eagles

Written by Megan Mostyn Brown

While Gordon seeks information about the recent controversy with Commissioner Loeb, Fish's allegiance with the prisoners is questioned when she appears to join forces with Dr. Dulmacher. Meanwhile, after an attack close to home, Bruce deals with the aftermath.


  • Alone with the Psycho: When Gordon and Bullock discover Loeb's daughter in the attic instead of blackmail files, they question her hoping for confirmation that Loeb murdered his own wife. In the creepiest way possible, it quickly becomes apparent that the daughter they're questioning murdered her instead.
  • Anticlimax Boss: When the nice old couple pull out guns, the man goes down in about 30 seconds and the old woman backs up into a dresser and knocks herself out.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Loeb gives up his leverage on Bullock, offers to resign and supports Gordon's run for president of the policeman's union so that his daughter isn't sent to arkham.
  • Happily Married: The couple. At least that's what the husband thought until his wife Marge kills him without a second thought in order to get the one ticket.
  • I Lied: This is Oswald's response to claiming he only had one ticket for the couple seeking to escape. He actually only had one bullet.
  • Improvised Weapon: One half of the old couple strangles the other with a tablecloth.
  • The Load: When Marge and her husband attack Bullock, Gordon, and Oswald, all Oswald can do is drop to the floor and try to crawl for safety.
  • Madwoman in the Attic: Loeb arranged to send his insane daughter to a remote farmhouse to be hidden away after she murdered her mother. Gordon, Bullock, and Cobblepot inadvertently discover this while trying to dig up Loeb's blackmail files.
  • Matricide: How Commissioner Loeb's wife died - their mentally ill teenaged daughter killed her, and has been kept hidden in the attic of an old farmhouse ever since.
  • Mythology Gag: Jim leaves Oswald with a shotgun to watch over the elderly couple who nearly killed them, when it's later revealed they made a deal with Oswald, which mirrors a scene towards the end of The Dark Knight Rises.
  • Neon Sign Hideout: Discussed. When Bullock says that Loeb's farmhouse doesn't look like what he expected, Oswald sarcasticaly asks him if he was expecting a sign saying "Super secret blackmail horde".
  • Oh, Crap!: Marge's brief reaction when Oswald says he lied about the ticket and shot her.
  • Rewarded as a Traitor Deserves: Marge was pretty cold to kill her own husband for the prospect of getting a ticket to Arizona. Fortunately, she doesn't live long enough to regret it: Oswald shoots her less than two minutes later.
  • Wham Shot: When Dulmacher reveals why he's not worried about Fish egging the prisoners into a bum rush out the front gate - they're on an island in the middle of nowhere.
  • You Owe Me: In exchange for Loeb's files, Oswald says he wants five minutes with the files and a favor from Jim.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Oswald tells the couple that he made a deal with that he only has one ticket to Arizona. Marge strangles her husband and turns to Oswald for the ticket, but he says that he lied and proceeds to shoot her.
