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Recap / Garfield And Friends S 5 E 06

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The sixth episode of the fifth season of Garfield and Friends.

Post-Opening Sequence Line: "If you can find a better show on television, watch it!"

Renewed Terror

After Jon subscribes to a magazine, the magazine salesman begins stalking him to get him to renew his subscription, constantly lowering the price.

Badtime Story

Orson, too sick to read "Chicken Licken" to Booker and Sheldon, has the rest of the farm try to help him. Cameo appearance by Garfield.

Tooth or Dare

While unloading cargo into the museum, two moving men accidentally break a cage containing a real life saber-tooth cat and it escapes. The saber then devises a plan to disguise himself as a household cat by stealing a pair of false teeth from a model of a large saber-tooth cat and cement glue from the hardware store. While Jon is cooking burgers for Garfield, the saber decides to replace Garfield by gluing the false teeth onto Garfield and kicking him out of the house. Garfield gets chased while the saber feasts on the burgers that Jon gives him.

Odie realizes that 'Garfield' is a fake, and tries to tell Jon but he doesn't listen, assuming that Garfield is in a bad mood. Garfield manages to outwit the guards and a news reporter who wrongly assume he's the saber. Finally, Jon decides to check on 'Garfield' only to find out that 'Garfield' is the saber. Shocked for a minute, he runs back into the kitchen, crashing into Garfield (who has returned) and breaking off the teeth. The guys decides to sneak out of the house while calling the museum and the S.W.A.T team. But they can't seem to get the saber out of Jon's house.

Garfield has an idea, and a couple of minutes later the saber surrenders, begging the museum guard to take him back to the museum. It turns out that Garfield called out the one thing that would definitely drive the saber crazy...NERMAL. Because of Nermal's attitude, Garfield, Jon and Odie reconsider trading Nermal for the saber.

Renewed Terror contains examples of:

  • Big "NO!": Jon screams this several times each time the salesman pesters him to renew his subscription.
  • Demoted to Extra: Garfield doesn't get much a role in this episode, something he's not happy with as he mentions in the narration.
  • Determinator: The salesman. No matter where Jon goes, the salesman is there, pestering him to renew his subscription.
  • I Have a Family: The salesman starts to break down when Jon won't renew his subscription, and the salesman at the climax shows off that he has a very large family to feed and they all are relying on him.

Badtime Story contains examples of:

  • Long List: While reading the final section of the story, Wade recites a very long list of characters who've all been met and are going to see the king and tell him about the sky falling.
    Wade: "And so Chicken Licken, Cocky Locky, Ducky Wucky, Piggy Wiggy, Sheepy Creepy, Lamby Wamby, Puppy Wuppy, Goosey Poosey, Horsey Worsey, Weasel Geasel, Turkey Lurkey, Hawky Tawky, Foxy Woxy, Eggy Leggy, Wooly Bully, Catty Fatty, Beaver Cleaver, Wormy Squirmy, Hoggy Woggy, Rooster Shooster, Fishy Wishy, Apey Wapey, Toady Woady, Mallard Ballard, Hippo Zippo, Mousey Wousey, and Chicky Wicky all went to see the king."

Tooth or Dare contains examples of:

  • Cassandra Truth: Odie realizes something is up with 'Garfield', but Jon doesn't listen to first.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: For some reason, everyone automatically assumes that Garfield is the saber-tooth cat, even though Garfield is much, much smaller than the saber.
