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Recap / Fresh Off The Boat S 1 E 2 Home Sweet Home School

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Eddie and the boys get back their grades; while Eddie is thrilled to be an A student, Jessica insists on increasing his, Emery and Evan's schooling. In the meantime, Louis feels that Jessica's micro-managing has a deleterious effect on his employees' morale, and encourages her to tutor the boys instead of counting croutons.

This episode provides examples of

  • Calling the Old Man Out: Eddie is understandably annoyed when his mother "changes the rules" about him getting good grades and demanding he receive harder work. He also indirectly calls out his dad for insisting that his mother stay at home to teach the boy.
  • Car Fu: Jessica hits two of the dine 'n dashers with her car. She insists they hit her car with their bodies.
  • Disappeared Dad: Dave's father is never around, though he does send a cool toy basketball set.
  • Do Not Do This Cool Thing: Eddie invokes this as a child and narrator, seeing how much "fun" Dave is having by trashing his new basketball set.
  • Drunk with Power: Emery when given permission to write up Eddie for misbehaving in home school.
  • Improbable Weapon User: Jessica with an onion.
  • Like Father, Like Son: Eddie and Jessica have the exact same reaction to hearing Louis say "I love you":
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: As narrator!Eddie puts it, you don't say, "I love you" in the Huang family; you show it through micromanaging.
  • Normal Fish in a Tiny Pond: Eddie was a C student in Washington DC; when he comes to Orlando, the lower school standards make him a straight A student.
  • Pet the Dog:
    • Jessica, too focused on getting the dine 'n dashers that hurt Louis, leaves Eddie alone for skiving off her tutoring. Instead of punishing him later, she merely makes snarky remarks while watching the boys and her husband play basketball.
    • Louis plays basketball with Eddie, Dave, Emery and Evans at the end of the episode. More heartwarming in that Dave has a Disappeared Dad.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Louis and Jessica to each other when Jessica catches Louis having fun in the restaurant behind her back, and keeping her away for that reason. Louis chews her out for not being Nice to the Waiter, and she chews him out for lying to her and being a Wide-Eyed Idealist.
  • Yank the Dog's Chain: Eddie is smug that he has been getting straight As for once in his life, so much that he does a pimp dance when showing off his report card. Then his mother complains to the school that the workload isn't challenging enough and wants to put him in CLC. At first he's hopeful when the principal says there are no CLC units; then his father suggests that Jessica homeschool the boys.
