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Recap / Fraggle Rock S 3 E 16 Playing Till It Hurts

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♫ I can chase the wind, I can race the rain ♫
On the day before a big rock hockey match, Red gets a letter from her idol, Rock Hockey Hannah, informing her she's visiting to see her play. In her excitement, Red injures her leg during practice. She tries several times to practice with the others but is made to stay in her room.

On the day of the game, Red gets Feenie, the goalie, to secretly switch places with her. The mask disguises her, but Red keeps messing up the goals. Finally, when the game is down to a foul shot, she reveals herself, proclaiming how much pain she's in and that she's dropping out, no matter what her idol thinks of her for doing so. To her amazement, Rock Hockey Hannah comforts her, calls the game a draw, and has everyone give three cheers for Red for knowing when to call it quits.

This episode contains examples of:

  • Bandage Mummy: Uncle Matt mistakes a real mummy for one of these, thinking the museum is a hospital.
  • Continuity Nod:
  • Dramatic Unmask: Red, having had enough, takes off the goalie's mask, revealing her identity to a shocked audience.
    Red: [throwing down her goalie's net] I can't do this! [She starts to leave.]
    Gobo: Hey! Hey, Feenie! What's the matter?
    [The audience gasps as Red unmasks.]
    Red: I'm not Feenie! I'm Red Fraggle, and I've failed, and I can't help it!
  • Fantasy Sequence: While singing "Chase the Wind," Red imagines herself scoring a perfect game of rock hockey in a gleaming silver uniform trimmed with sequins.
  • Fisticuff-Provoking Comment: Boober makes one that nearly provokes fisticuffs from Red when she tries to go to practice and he makes her get back in her hammock.
    Boober: [grabbing Red] Oh, no, you don't! You just climb right back into ol' Mr. Beddy Bye.
    Red: Right after I introduce you to Mr. Fisty Wist!
    Boober: Ha, ha, that's funny. Now, I have the most wonderful surprise for you.
    Red: [resignedly] Oh, what is it?
    Boober: Well, I just borrowed Gobo's latest postcard from his Uncle Traveling Matt!
    Red: Oh, no!
  • Game-Breaking Injury: When Red injures her leg, her friends tell her she can't participate in the rock hockey game—though she keeps trying to.
  • Injured Limb Episode: Red injures her leg and carries this for the rest of the episode.
  • Inner Monologue: Red's observations while pondering Rock Hockey Hannah's views.
  • Loony Laws: A rule of rock hockey is that no player may exhibit unnecessary seriousness. The penalty is having the other players chant, "Naughty, naughty!" at the offender.
    [Wembley, who's acting as referee, blows his whistle and runs over to Red, who's disguised as Feenie.]
    Wembley: [whispering] Uh, excuse me, Feenie, but if it's okay with you, I have to call a penalty on you. [aloud] Uh, everybody, a penalty on Feenie Fraggle for unnecessary seriousness. Four naughty-naughtys.
    Other Players: [chanting with Wembley] Naughty, naughty, naughty, naughty!
  • Meaningful Name: Rock Hockey Hannah is the inventor of rock hockey.
  • Melancholy Musical Number: Red sings "Lonely as Can Be" when she's in her room by herself, thinking that nobody will care that she'll miss out on meeting her hockey idol.
  • Nightmare Sequence: Red dreams that her room has turned into a jail cell and that, on top of that, Rock Hockey Hannah calls her a quitter for dropping out of the game.
    Rock Hockey Hannah: You play till it hurts, and when it hurts real bad, you gotta play real good!
    [Gobo, Mokey, Boober, and Wembley appear in the dream, echoing the words and turning them into a Crowd Chant. Red bolts awake and sits up in her hammock, shivering.]
  • Secret-Keeper: Subverted. Red becomes this when Rock Hockey Hannah says in her letter not to tell anyone she's coming. Whenever she goes anywhere, other Fraggles give her parades, which she hates. The truth comes out, though, when she arrives at the game and Rumple recognizes her. When Gobo realizes there's no scorekeeper, she offers to do the job... as long as no one gives her a parade.
  • Shout-Out: One of the rock hockey teams is called the Gorgbusters.
  • Sleeping Dummy: Red uses one to trick Boober so she can go out and practice. Boober falls for it and assumes Red has slipped into a coma.
  • Snipe Hunt: After Red is in Feeenie's goalie uniform...
    Feenie: Ah, I sure do appreciate this, Red!
    Red: Oh, my pleasure, Feenie!
    Feenie: I'll just go... go tell the coach you're taking my place.
    Red: [quickly] No! No, no, no! Don't do... uh... I mean, before you do that, Feenie... uh... could you please go find some pillow wax?
    Feenie: Pi... pillow wax?
    Red: Yeah. Well, we can't play using a dull, lackluster hockey pillow, could we?
    Feenie: I should say not!
    Red: No!
    Feenie: I'll go looking!
    Red: Yeah!
    Feenie: Ha, ha, yeah! [Runs off.]
  • Surprisingly Realistic Outcome: Red enters the rock hockey game with an injured leg in hopes of showing Rock Hockey Hannah her skill. This only results in her messing it up and hurting herself even more.
  • Teeth Flying: This happens to Chuchu Fraggle when a dizzy Red accidentally knocks him down with her goalie's net.
  • You Are Better Than You Think You Are: Rock Hockey Hannah assures Red that it's good to know when to call it quits.
    Red: Huh? You don't mind that I'm a quitter? I mean... when you hurt real bad, you gotta play real good! Right?
    Rock Hockey Hannah: Red, Red! You look too smart for this. I mean, this here's just a game. Right?
    [Loud agreement from the other Fraggles.]
    Rock Hockey Hannah: Yeah. When you hurt real bad, you gotta quit real fast!
