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Recap / Final Space S 3 E 3 The Ventrexian

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The Lord Commander tries to extract Mooncake's whereabouts by forcing Avocato to tell his story. Meanwhile Quinn and Gary try to find Mooncake with Gary still being unaware of Quinn's condition. Bolo and Mooncake team up to fight Oreskis.

The episode provides examples of:

  • Alien Blood: Titans seem to have lime green blood, as evident by Oreskis' and Bolo's injuries they sustained during battle. It seems to be a bit of retcon, as one of flashbacks to Bolo closing Final Space shows him bleeding red blood from his forehead.
    • The dead Tryvuulians in Avocato's flashback are shown lying in puddles of their purple blood.
  • Call-Back: Once again, Bolo refers to Oreskis as a "frickin' dickbag" and mentions how he stole his girlfriend, Jill.
    • Back in Season 2 an Invictus-possessed Avocato shouted at Little Cato: "You are no son of mine!" in "The Closer You Get". It turns out, he meant that literally.
  • Call-Forward: After finding the baby Little Cato, Avocato swears he will keep him safe, even if it costs him his life. The Lord Commander later warns that the baby will be the death of him. This all calls ahead to when Avocato performs a Heroic Sacrifice to protect Little Cato.
  • Cold-Blooded Torture: The Lord Commander uses his telekinesis to force Avocato into telling his backstory.
  • Cute Kitten: Little Cato as a baby. No wonder Avocato adopted him.
  • Deal with the Devil: Two-fold:
    • Invictus saves the Lord Commander from the brink of death to offer him a chance to become a Titan if he were to get Mooncake for him.
    • The Lord Commander offers Avocato a cause in return for him assassinating the king and queen and handing Ventrexia over to him.
  • Declaration of Protection: Avocato made one to Little Cato when he found the latter, swearing that he would keep him safe even if he had to give his own life to do so.
  • Dramatic Irony: The king and queen of Ventrexia confide in having Avocato's protection whilst being woefully unaware that he was going to kill them.
  • Foreshadowing: In Avocato's flashback, the king and queen of Ventrexia are colored like Little Cato, and the queen is carrying a strange bundle around. It later turns out they are Little Cato's birth parents and the baby in the bundle was Little Cato himself.
  • Forever War: Avocato reveals in this episode that before his and Little Cato's homeworld was annexed by the Lord Commander, it had been at war with the Tryvuulians for a thousand years, and apparently Avocato himself was never told by anyone how or why the war started. It's also heavily implied that such an insanely long and devastating conflict isn't even all that special in the planet's history:
    Avocato: On Ventrexia, wars never end.
  • From Bad to Worse: Not only is the Lord Commander back, but Invictus removed the limitations that he originally had meaning that he can use his powers without the risk of dying.
  • Kill the Parent, Raise the Child: It's revealed that Avocato is not in fact the father of Little Cato - Avocato had found Little Cato after being manipulated into killing the latter's monarch parents by the Lord Commander, and had decided to adopt him.
  • My God, What Have I Done?:
    • Avocato came to regret assassinating the royal family. Especially when he found out they had a son.
    • Bolo comes to regret lying to Mooncake that Gary died, acknowledging that his thirst for vengeance has consumed him.
  • Outliving One's Offspring: It's revealed that before Little Cato came along, Avocato had another son who died, and he was still depressed over the loss when he met the Lord Commander.
  • Posthumous Sibling: Little Cato is revealed here to be one. His elder brother, Avocato's first and biological son, died some time before Avocato took the then-infant Little Cato in as his own.
  • Really Royalty Reveal: Little Cato is revealed to not be Avocato's son, but the son of the king and queen of Ventrexia, this making him a prince. Although it really doesn’t matter anymore since the kingdom was destroyed.
  • The Reveal: Not only is Little Cato not Avocato's biological son, he outright killed his birth parents while serving the Lord Commander and never told him.
  • Shout-Out: The name of the episode is a reference to the Disney+ series The Mandalorian.
  • Spiteful Spit: Avocato spits at the Lord Commander’s face out of spite twice. The second time has the other captive team squad members giggling with Fox saying that Avocato did the Lord Commander dirty there.
  • Start X to Stop X: The Lord Commander got Avocato on his side by weaving him a picture of a universe where there was no more death — then he ordered Avocato to commit two more kills so they could annex Ventrexia to that end.
  • Villain Has a Point: The Lord Commander ask Avocato what’s so special about his home planet Ventrexia since all it does is sent its people to fight meaningless 1,000 year wars so they can either die or just fight more wars.
  • Wham Episode: Years ago, the Lord Commander manipulated Avocato into killing the ruling monarchs of his planet before adopting their son whom he named Little Cato.
  • Wham Shot:
    • After defeating Oreskis, Bolo looks down at his side seeing to his horror that his infection was worsening.
    • When mulling over what he had done, Avocato discovers a baby Ventrexian, as in Little Cato.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Bolo gets called out by Gary over lying to Mooncake about his death. While he's initially defensive due to Gary coming off very harsh (something even Gary admits once he cools down), Bolo acknowledges that it wasn't the right thing to do.
  • Your Head A-Splode: After Bolo defeats Oreskis, Mooncake deals the killing blow by shooting a giant blast at his head, causing it to explode.
