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Recap / Dragon Age Origins After The Joining

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The fourth main quest of the Dragon Age: Origins video-game. The story follows the player joining in with the last Ostagar war council before the battle with the darkspawn goes down.

Ostagar War Council

Duncan, the player and Alistair arrive at the Ostagar war council to discuss strategy for the coming battle. King Cailan makes it clear that he will stand and fight alongside the Grey Wardens much to Loghain's contention feeling that Cailan's risking too much just to play hero on the front lines. Cailan then suggests that it might be best to wait for the Grey Warden reinforcements from Orlais, but Loghain will not hear of it due to the past grudges with said kingdom despite Cailan claiming that the beef with Orlais is a thing of the past. As a result, Cailan and Loghain settle upon one particular strategy: Cailan, Duncan, the Grey Wardens, and a significant force of Ferelden's army, will act as bait in the valley the fortress overlooks to lure the darkspawn into attacking. The player and Alistair are charged with lighting the Tower of Ishal's beacon at the top of Ostagar, which will signal Loghain and his forces to charge the darkspawn in the flank once they are engaged with Cailan's and Duncan's forces.

Following the war council, Duncan holds a final meeting with the player and Alistair. The latter two being surprised to find out that they won't be partaking in the battle. However, Duncan reminds the player and Alistair that it was an order from Ferelden's own King to perform this role while also assuring them that lighting the Tower of Ishal beacon will play a major part in defeating the darkspawn. Duncan provides them directions of the nearby gorge that will lead them to the Tower of Ishal's entrance, and then bids the player and Alistair farewell. Duncan then begins to head off to join up with King Cailan's forces at the front line, but not before Alistair runs back up to him. Alistair then gives Duncan an honorable handshake goodbye since the former views the latter as a father figure.
