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Recap / Donkey Kong Country S 1 E 26 A Thin Line Between Love And Ape

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Jealous of DK and Candy's relationship, Bluster Kong gets the recipe for a Love Potion from the Crystal Coconut. K.Rool gets wind of Bluster's scheme, and decides he wants the potion for his own ends.


  • Abhorrent Admirer: Bluster as ever, and his latest rejection from Candy is what starts the plot when he decides to ask the Coconut how to get her for himself.
  • A Glass of Chianti: Mentioned; K. Rool offers to serve wine with caviar to a Love Potion-addled Candy Kong. Klump also starts offering it during one of his love spells.
  • Amusing Injuries: The first we see of K. Rool, he's covered in bandages after being forced to Be the Ball (see below).
  • Be the Ball: Mentioned, but not seen; in an Offscreen Moment of Awesome, DK did this to K. Rool.
    "When was the last time either of you were used as a bowling ball?!"
  • Big Bad Ensemble: Both K. Rool and Bluster are the antagonists of the episode. K. Rool is up to his usual tricks trying to get the coconut, and Bluster is trying to use a love potion to force Candy to fall in love with him. Bluster, naturally, is no match for Krusha once K. Rool comes around, though.
  • Blatant Lies: When DK confronts Bluster for trying to steal Candy from him, Bluster meekly swears he'd never do such a thing.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: A variant, in that Blusters love potion makes anyone highly devoted to the subject and will do anything to please them. K. Rool exploits this by sending the smitten Candy to steal the Crystal Coconut for him.
  • Brick Joke: During his song, Bluster sings about how he wants to take Candy home to introduce to his mother. When Krusha gets his hands on him, Bluster is left crying to his mother for help.
  • Cut Himself Shaving: When Klump complains of a sore head, Krusha, who'd knocked him out earlier, tells him that he fell down.
    Klump: Boy, that must have been one heck of a flight of stairs!
  • Dirty Coward: Bluster sheepishly swears to DK that he'd never try to steal Candy from him, but once DK is gone and out of sight, he boasts that he's going to get Candy for himself.
  • Dramatic Spotlight: King K. Rool sings his Villain Song under one of these.
  • Duck Season, Rabbit Season: DK does this to defeat K. Rool. While screwing with Klump and Krusha's emotions with the love potion, DK mimes the sound of a spray bottle, making K. Rool think he's sprayed it again. When he sprays it one last time, he runs out of potion and gets stuck with an enraged Klump and Krusha.
  • Explain, Explain... Oh, Crap!: Upon learning that Bluster asked the Crystal Coconut for the formula for a love potion, Donkey Kong is left wondering why he'd want such a thing...until he remembers that Bluster has eyes on his girl, Candy.
    DK: What would Bluster want with potion?! (Charges out of Cranky's treehouse) BLUSTER!!!
  • Face–Heel Turn: Not that Bluster’s ever been shy about hating DK and wanting Candy for himself before, but this episode sees him fully turn to villainy to get what he wants, being eager to brainwash Candy into becoming his non-consenting wife, and openly declaring war on DK during the episode. The end of the episode even has him directly tell DK to his face that he won’t give up trying to steal Candy away from him with or without her consent. It’s then subverted when Bluster remains the same Token Evil Teammate who’s still nominally on the side of DK for the remainder of the series.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: Cranky makes no bones about how he and Candy both hate Bluster with a passion.
  • Foul Flower: According to Cranky, the flowers of Orchid Valley are deadly poisonous at a certain time of year, and he panics when Bluster tells him that Donkey Kong and Candy are having a picnic there. Of course, DK and Candy aren't there, so we never see this in effect.
  • Funny Background Event: King K. Rool sends Krusha to beat up Bluster, and after the big guy chases Bluster offscreen, the scene focuses on K. Rool and Klump testing the love potion. In the background, you can still hear Bluster crying out in pain over the sound effects of Krusha beating the crap out of him.
  • Gone Horribly Right: K. Rool tests the potion on Klump and it works in causing Klump to fall desperately in love with his king. K. Rool is amused and pleased until Klump starts getting very forward, too forward for K. Fool’s taste. He’s forced to call Krusha to kick Klump out of the factory.
  • Hated by All: Hilariously, even Klump calls Bluster a big loser. Cranky is also annoyed when Bluster shows up and spells out to him that Candy hates his guts too. Ironically, Bluster is also the only character that nobody falls in love with due to the potion besides himself.
  • Hate Plague: The second dose of love potion causes the victim to become red-eyed and furious with the person who sprayed them. This bites K. Rool hard as he didn't realize this, spraying Candy when she comes around again, and his attempts to fix his mistake leads to multiple people ending up either in love with or angry at him.
  • Hijacked by Ganon: K. Rool steals Bluster's love potion so he can get the Coconut.
  • It's All About Me: As if brewing a love potion to force Candy to love him wasn't proof enough, Bluster's song describes how he basically wants Candy to be his glorified maid once she marries him, showing he doesn't regard her as a person at all.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Cranky is still cranky, but he is disgusted with Bluster for not respecting the fact Candy has refused his advances time and time again. He also runs to go warn the apes about the poisonous orchids when he thinks they're in danger, and only complains because the younger and more able-bodied Bluster (who also owns a helicopter) sponges his way out of doing so himself.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: K. Rool's abuse of the love potion leaves him running from Klump and Krusha when DK tricks him into dosing them with the last of it so it causes them to hate him. Meanwhile Bluster, who brewed the potion, not only gets beat up by Krusha, but later ends up spilling it on himself and falls in love with his own reflection.
  • Left the Background Music On: Bluster's singing of "Being Together Forever" turns out to be completely diegetic. Krusha even dances to it!
  • A Lighter Shade of Black: King K. Rool abuses the love potion to get his hands on the Coconut, but that's all he uses it on Candy for. While it's still a villainous thing to do, Bluster is arguably far worse than K. Rool in this episode given he intended to use the potion to, y'know, brainwash Candy into loving and marrying him in a non-consensual relationship.
  • Love Potion: The episode revolves around one of these concocted by Bluster in a bid to win Candy from Donkey Kong. While powerful enough to make anyone fall head over heels for the one who sprayed them, it wears off eventually, and every second dose causes hate instead.
  • Lyrical Dissonance: "Being Together Forever" is sung by Bluster in a lovey-dovey, super-sweet way with lots of cute hearts and stars in the visuals... but it's still a song about how he's brewing a love potion to force Candy to become his bride and removing her free will.
  • Momma's Boy: Bluster sings about how he wants to take Candy home to meet his mother.
  • Near-Villain Victory: From K. Fool’s perspective, anyway. He successfully gets Candy to steal the coconut for him and also uses the potion to brainwash DK into his loyal servant/lover. K. Rool declares his total victory on the spot.
  • Not Me This Time: Bluster isn't wrong when telling DK that K. Rool ran off with the potion to use on Candy, but DK has little of it considering he brewed the potion in the first place.
  • Obliviously Evil: Bluster is too vain and narcissistic to realize that his scheme to force Candy to be his wife is wrong. The last cliffhanger before the last commercial break is fine proof of it; Bluster is proudly declaring that he's going to use his love potion on Candy to get his wife at last like he's a superhero declaring his intent to save the day, but the scene's direction and score appropriately shows him in a villainous light.
  • Oh, Crap!: Multiple in the same episode:
    • Cranky, when Bluster lies and tells him that DK and Candy went for a picnic in Orchid Valley.
    • DK, when he realizes why Bluster would want a love potion. And then another when Bluster tells him he overheard King K. Rool mention Candy.
    • K. Rool gets a silent one when he sees a red-eyed Candy coming for him.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: DK goes on a rampage when he realizes Bluster brewed a love potion to steal Candy away from him, a sharp contrast from his usual more pleasant demeanor.
  • Properly Paranoid: Cranky knows Bluster can't be trusted and only reluctantly leaves him alone with the Coconut due to seemingly having no other choice. When he realizes Bluster tricked him, he returns with a vengeance and looks into what he asked the Coconut in his absence, knowing he was up to no good.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: The effect of the second dose of love potion causes this.
  • Ship Tease: K. Rool sounds a bit flustered when Klump starts getting more forward, culminating in him fearfully calling Krusha for help to get rid of his lovesick general when he gets too forward.
  • Shout-Out: The Crystal Coconut shows Bluster a heart, a beaker and the number nine. Amusingly, Bluster catches the reference and realizes it's talking about a love potion.
  • Snipe Hunt: Bluster sends Cranky on one of these so he can be alone with the Crystal Coconut for a bit.
  • Stating the Simple Solution: When Cranky wonders what Bluster was doing with the Crystal Coconut, Donkey Kong points out he could just ask it, which Cranky concedes.
  • Villain Ball: Averted at first by K. Rool, who realizes the love potion has a time limit and does the math to see if he can still use the smitten Candy to steal the coconut for him before ordering her to do so.
  • Villain Song:
    • "I've Got It All", sung by King K. Rool after putting Donkey Kong under the love potion.
    • "Being Together Forever", sung by Bluster as he brews the love potion.
  • We Will Meet Again: Bluster swears to DK that he will steal Candy one day despite being foiled.
