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Recap / Dan Vs S 1 E 11 Dan Vs The Beach

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After his car is destroyed by a pack of beach bozos, Dan seeks revenge on the beach. He runs into Chris while there, and drags him along to help him steal a shark and unleash it on the beach. Things don’t go as planned, and they end up stuck on a deserted island.

This episode provides examples of the following Tropes:

  • Arc Number: 43 (minutes later...)
  • Beach Episode
  • Blush Sticker: Chris gets one of these when Elise asks if he remembered to put sunscreen on her back. Of course, he wanted to...
  • Bond One-Liner:
    Dan: Looks like I just took out the trash!
  • Brick Joke: The eye patch at the beginning of the episode. While Dan's driving the barge towards the beach, he puts it on.
  • Continuity Nod: To "Dan Vs. The Salvation Armed Forces", the swimsuit Elise bought for Chris at the end is the one seen in this episode.
  • Department of Redundancy Department: After getting shot in the rear by a tranquilliser arrow:
    Dan: This water is so wet!
  • Didn't Want an Adventure: "I just wanted to build a sand castle…"
  • Desert Island
  • Dramatic Irony: See Forced Perspective.
  • "Eureka!" Moment:
    Dan: There's sand everywhere! It's so obnoxious!
  • Eye Scream: First, Dan getting hit by the corner of the eye-patch packaging. Then when Chris gets attacked by the lifesaver:
    Chris: Ahh! Sunscreen! In my eyes!
  • Felony Misdemeanor: Dan has this reaction to sand.
  • Forced Perspective: When Chris is looking through binoculars at Elise, it looks like the lifesaver is rubbing lotion on her back. Then the camera shifts to show he's actually building a sandcastle behind her.
  • Here We Go Again!: "HIPPIES!"
  • Hypocritical Humor:
    Chris: Have you ever relaxed?
    Dan: Once. It made me very stressed.
  • Intimate Lotion Application: The bikini-clad Elise tries to pull away Chris from following Dan's schemes by flirtatiously asking him to put lotion on her back. He almost does, but Dan drags him away. Later, Chris peeks at Elise through binoculars, and he's distressed and jealous to see that the hunky lifeguard seems to be rubbing lotion on her back instead (he's actually just building a sand castle behind her, but Chris' Forced Perspective doesn't show it). While he's stuck on an island, he even gets hallucinations of the lifeguard seducing Elise while rubbing lotion on her back. When he comes back, he's relieved to find that she has been asleep the whole time he was away and that she has a bad sunburn on her back, meaning nobody touched her, although she ends up pissed at him for her sunburn.
  • I Taste Delicious: Chris uses himself as bait to catch something to eat.
    Dan: Stand still and look more delicious!
  • Killer Rabbit: The penguins look cute at first, but they're mutant penguins with fangs!
  • Male Gaze: The camera seems to enjoy closing in on Elise’s butt while she’s lying on her stomach.
  • Man in a Bikini: Chris’ swimsuit is just a pink bikini bottom.
  • New-Age Retro Hippie: The missionaries that rescue Dan and Chris.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: The mutant penguins - right before they attack!
  • Rule of Three: When Chris tries to build a shelter for them, it immediately collapses.
    Chris: Awww, I thought the third time was supposed to be the charm...
  • Self-Deprecation: The raft that Dan constructs quickly starts sinking.
    Dan: This is why I don't buy anything built by Americans. We have zero standards for safety.
  • Threatening Shark: The shark that Dan and Chris steal from the aquarium. They try to let it loose on the beach, but it just turns around and breaks their boat.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Dan tells the shark to eat the kids.
